Cannot debug apps
Year ago I was able debug my apps with prev QtCreator 4.0.3 on my Honor 6X with Android 6. Apps were build for API level 23. Now I try do same with QtCreator 4.6.2 on same 6X but with Android 7.1. App is build for API level 26. In Creator console I get message:
Failed to get process path. Reason:command «/opt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb» ended with code 1.
I found possible description - on some devices the command run-as is not supported. But I tried check this in console. I have got this:
:/opt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools$ ./adb shell
HWBLN-H:/ $ run-as com.myname.myapp pwd
run-as: Package 'com.myname.myapp' is not debuggable
1|HWBLN-H:/ $What??? Why my app is not debuggable? I have definitely build app with Debug turned on and with debug server added (option in Projects settings). What is wrong with this app? The run-as command works. But what should I do to allow debug my app?
I have a Huawei (Android 8.0) that doesn't debug at 23, while my Sony (7.1) does. I would drop API level back to 23 to see if the problem is in the API level or whether the Huawei's new Android version has a problem.
...But I recall people using 26 having problems, so if you don't need to put the app in Google Play, leaving it in 23 for now might be a solution.
(Also, I assume that your SDK and NDK are versions that people have positive experiences with.) -
hi @Gourmet
AFAIK this is a QtCreator bug, you'll need aversion prior to 4.6 for the build in android debugger to work like it's expected.
Iirc the debug-concept is beeing overhauled to even work differently in principel. And that's causing issues. But don't quote me on this one. -
@Gourmet said in Cannot debug apps:
Is anything known about QtCreator 4.7 released at July?
Sure, here change log for 4.7.2 :
Same way you can find it for older versions. -
@raven-worx I am sure all is ok with debug certificate. I debugged my apps in QtCreator 4.0.3. Nothing changed in apps settings. About QtCreator 4.5 - Will it work well with apps assembled for API level 26 (Android 8.0) or higher?
But what means this message?
run-as: Package 'com.myname.myapp' is not debuggable
@Gourmet said in Cannot debug apps:
But what means this message?
run-as: Package 'com.myname.myapp' is not debuggablei think this is because you need to mark it as such in the AndroidManifest (in the application tag)
To whoever else comes across this thread,
here's the official bug-report regarding this issue: