Need help with Passing value for Qt Symbian
I am very new to Qt. I have been trying to pass values from one form to another. i looked at so many discussions here and searched online but am unable to follow any of it. so i am hopping someone will help me.I have two forms:
1- mainwindow.ui has tableView
2- datawindow.ui has lineEdit and textEditwhen i click on tableview in mainwindow.ui i want to pass values of column 1 and column 2 to lineEdit and textEdit in datawindow.ui .
can someone tell me a simple way to do this? i will be very thankful if someone can write down what to code and where.
Many thanks for helping me.
This question has been asked and answered many times already. Please search the forum a bit. Qt’s own documentation is also filled with examples that shows that kind of stuf.
Depending on how your application works, either use signal and slots to transfer data between forms. If a dialog, you can give it getters to retrieve the values you want after use and then use them further.
Out of curiosity, why Symbian ?