Using QCompleter with a virtual keypad
The behavior of QCompleter is preventing me from using it with the virtual keypad I have created. When the QCompleter's popup is showing, a press on the keypad closes the completer, and a second press is required to enter a character. Is there any way to change the behavior of the completer so that clicks outside of the popup window are ignored?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
How are you using it exactly ?
I'm using it with a QLineEdit in PopupCompletion mode. Next to the QLineEdit I have a button that forces the popup to show with all possible completions. The button part of it was the functionality I was really after. The fact that it pops up while the user is typing would be a nice touch if it worked correctly, but it's not a requirement I have.
I'm not sure how a re-implementation of my keypad will solve the issue with the completer popup.
if your goal is to just make it stay open, you can do the following
class openCompleter : public QCompleter { Q_OBJECT public: openCompleter(QObject* parent) : QCompleter(parent) {} virtual ~openCompleter() override {} protected: bool eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent* e) override { if ( e->type() == QEvent::Type::MouseButtonPress) { qDebug() << " event is hide: " << o->metaObject()->className(); return false; } return QCompleter::eventFilter(o, e); } };
and just use openCompleter and not QCompleter.
However, you will need some way for user to cancel the popup then. -
I don't know how you implemented your virtual keypad, the article I linked to proposes an implementation that integrates directly with Qt's input system.