Can't find C++ debugger
Last night I was working in Qt Creator (4.6.1) and it crashed. Windows 10 gave me the "Qt Creator has stopped working" popup. I restarted Qt Creator and my project file had been corrupted (I assume this because my toolkits for windows were gone). I deleted my pro.user file and let Qt recreate it. Since then when I try to debug Android, the app dies with "Can't find C++ ![alt text](image url)debugger.
My setup:
Qt Creator 4.6.1
NDK r10e
SDK 26.1.1
JDK 1.8.0_131Here is a screenshot of the Auto-detected debuggers
Here are some things I have tried:
Cloning the toolkit and changing the debugger
Uninstalling Qt Creator and reinstalling 4.6.1.
Installing the Qt Creator 4.7.0 Beta.Nothing is working. Does anyone have any insight into why or what a workaround is? I'm really pressed for time (as I'm sure everyone is) but I have to release in a matter of days and have pressing issues to resolve.
Thank you in advance for any expert tutelage given.
Did you also try to delete Qt Creator's configuration ?
Debugging with 4.6.1 does not seem to work, see also:
Really? So there's no answer to this question? Seems like Qt is unusable. Am I the ONLY person in the entire community that has a fully developed, almost ready to release app but can no longer debug android? Seriously. I have uninstalled Qt Creator and the framework many times. I've removed the NDK, SDK, Windows SDK, damn near everything I can think of. I've installed fresh and this thing STILL can't find the debugger? This is bad. Really bad. I can't resolve the problems I'm experiencing if I can't debug. I'm starting to think it was a really bad idea to use Qt. Meanwhile, I'm completely screwed. Very frustrating.
I figured this particular problem out. I went into Android Studio and played around. Ultimately it told me that it too couldn't find the C++ debugger and asked me if I wanted to intall it. I did and that solved that problem. Now I need to fix the issue where it won't connect to the port. Still can't debug on my S9 or Nexus 6P.