'Platform SDK installed' red X Adding Android SDK Tools in Qt Creator
Yesterday i faced the same issue. The only thing i did is that i downloaded "Java SE Development Kit 8 - jdk1.8.0_241" then both the errors regarding the Platform SDK and SDK manager worked properly.
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I hit this problem yesterday on Qt Creator 4.11.1. I finally did what @ajee did, but slightly different. I went to the qt-creator github and found this file:
https://github.com/qt-creator/qt-creator/blob/master/share/qtcreator/android/sdk_definitions.json. In it, you can find[...] "sdk_tools_url": { "linux": "https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip",
I downloaded that zip file and copied over the tools dir like @ajee. I can't find that file in release 4.1.1 https://github.com/qt-creator/qt-creator/tree/v4.11.1/ . Presumably, for future releases, that file may give you a clue as to which SDK tools you're supposed to download for your release of qt creator.
P.S. What a pain.
@Ross +1 for the @ajee solution.
I have been trying with Ubuntu 18.04 + OpenJDK 8 + Android Studio 3.6.3 + Qt Creator 4.11.2 / Qt 5.14.2 all downloaded and installed today, and could never get rid of the SDK tools or Platform SDK red Xs in Creator's Devices/Android form until adding the tools folder from your link - I placed it in my ~/Android/Sdk folder, next to the cmdline-tools and platform-tools folders, there was no tools folder there before, no matter what I tried to get Android Studio or sdkmanager to install.
As soon as Qt Creator noticed the tools folder, now AVD manager and SDK manager tabs at the bottom of the Devices page are accessible. Here's hoping the rest of the porting process goes smoother.
hello @abanksdev @SGaist
I'm getting a problem with " Platform-tools installed" Could you please tell me how to solve that. -
@Where_is_nitish hi and welcome to devnet,
Please open your own thread with all the details you can give about your current situation.