No c++11 support for Android
I'm building an Android app in qt and need c++11 support for a 3rd party library.
The app builds fine with my desktop kit (MinGW 5.3.0) but I get multiple errors for my Android kit, like:
'to_string' is not a member of 'std'
'strtof' ist not a member of 'std'
etc.My android kit (auto detected):
Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.10.0 for Android armv7)
Compiler: Android GCC (C, arm-4.9)
Compiler: Android GCC (c++, arm-4.9)NDK Version: r10e
I've already tried to add these flags to the pro file:
CONFIG += c++11 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 QMAKE_LFLAGS += -std=c++11
The common solution seems to be adding
to your file, but as far as I know that doesn't exist when using qt.
These are my CXXFLAGS from the build directory make file:
CXXFLAGS = -D__ANDROID_API__=16 --sysroot=C:\Android\NDK\android-ndk-r10e/platforms/android-16/arch-arm/ -isystem C:\Android\NDK\android-ndk-r10e/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.9/include -isystem C:\Android\NDK\android-ndk-r10e/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.9/libs/armeabi-v7a/include -fstack-protector-strong -DANDROID -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfp -fno-builtin-memmove -std=c++11 -g -g -marm -O0 **-std=gnu++11** -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -fPIC $(DEFINES)
And with NDK r10e ?
See and
This stack overflow answer shows how to implement to_string as well as links to here which gives more details about string support in the NDK.
Use Linux workstation with complete GNU CPP compiler instead of castrated Windows MinGW - and you will get full C++11 support. I do that just like that exactly. It is much more comfortable develop and debug Android apps on Linux rather than on Windows. Cause Android itself is Linux by nature...
Does anyone have a real solution for this, not strings but the whole bunch? I don't know the details, but I have an app which I naively developed only with the Desktop kit and it should really work in Android. Do I have to spend a couple of days to refactor to C++98?
Library problems:
C:\Users\Eeli\Documents\Kaiku\panelsdata.cpp:149: error: 'class std::initializer_list<std::vector<_WALL_PANEL> >' has no member named 'erase'
But also non-library:
//code for (WALL_PANEL& p: panels) { p.Zpos++;
C:\Users\Eeli\Documents\Kaiku\panelsdata.cpp:158: error: 'const class std::vector<_WALL_PANEL>' has no member named 'Zpos' p.Zpos++; ^
And about 10 others in just 1 file. This all compiles and runs fine with Creator 4.7.1 and Qt 5.11.2 with the default Desktop Kit on Windows.
So, really, no GCC 5.3 or C++11 for Android?
Here's a possible hack around it:
Another possibility:
Or wait for Qt 5.12 which switches to clang on Android, and supports much more modern c++.
No need for another thread, I got it working. Here are the android related package versions which finally made it to work in case someone else has troubles:
The latest JDK and NDK didn't work.
I hope they fix the name strings for the next beta. It's annoying and confusing to have "GCC" everywhere even though it really uses clang.