qsplitter children sizes
i have two widgets and i need to place them inside a splitter.
this is what i have:
auto widget1 = new QWidget(this); auto widget2 = new QWidget(this); widget2->setFixedHeight(60); auto splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this); splitter->addWidget(widget1); splitter->addWidget(widget2); splitter->setChildrenCollapsible(false); splitter->setStretchFactor(0, 50); splitter->setStretchFactor(1, 0); splitter->setSizes(QList() << widget1->sizeHint().height() << widget2->height()); splitter->show();
the problem is that i need the second widget small and the first one to be its normal size.
when i don't add the second widget, first one has the ideal size for me.
when i add the second one, the first one becomes bigger than the ideal size.above is what i've tried to apply to fix it but no luck. any idea?
Do you mean one normal height and one less than full height ?
it seems not to really like it. (using max height)
From small tests i just did, it dont seems like QSplitter allows/supports
different heights for the widgets. will it seems to work for a moment using
fixed/setmax methods, it behaves oddly when refreshed. -
You could put 2 grid layouts in the splitter. seems to work pretty ok
how do i add a layout to splitter?
@user4592357 said in qsplitter children sizes:
how do i add a layout to splitter?
You don't. You create two layouts like @mrjj shown, then select both and then click on "Lay Out horizontally in Splitter.
@user4592357 Then add two widgets and in each widget add a layout
You could just use designer
and then take the c++ code.
Code is in setupUI() -
Im not sure what goes wrong. the concept seems to work.
do u have mutiple widgets pr side in splitter of what is difference to the mini test? -
yes, the Splitter adjust a bit to the sizehints of the widgets if no min/max is set.
So the issue is that they become smaller when inserted into splitter ? -
but do you set min/max on them or how do you control size ? -
you set the min/max on the widgets?
it works here.