XCode not building dependencies
I have a large Qt application that I build and run on Windows/Linux/iOS. I recently switch from a SUBDIRS project with an ordered build structure to a dependency-based build structure. My Windows and Linux builds are fine, but my iOS build refuses to follow the dependency tree and build the dependencies. Here is my top-level project file:
CONFIG += c++11 TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS = \ tap_display_app \ # main executable aop_logger \ aop_xml \ aop_serial \ aop_comm_base \ aop_util \ aop_measure \ MoreMath \ MathUtilities \ DataCollection \ DebugLogger \ BufferedSharedMemory \ AvionicsBus \ AircraftDataModel \ WindModel \ TableLookups \ configuration \ AtosUtils \ dna \ aop_data \ aop_comm \ tap_data \ tap_messaging \ RouteContainer \ arinc_io_adapter \ aop_interface \ tap_common tap_display_app.subdir = tap_display_app aop_logger.subdir = aop_logger aop_xml.subdir = aop_xml aop_comm_base.subdir = aop_comm_base aop_util.subdir = aop_util aop_measure.subdir = aop_measure MoreMath.subdir = MoreMath MathUtilities.subdir = MathUtilities DataCollection.subdir = DataCollection DebugLogger.subdir = DebugLogger BufferedSharedMemory.subdir = BufferedSharedMemory AvionicsBus.subdir = AvionicsBus AircraftDataModel.subdir = AircraftDataModel WindModel.subdir = WindModel TableLookups.subdir = TableLookups configuration.subdir = configuration AtosUtils.subdir = AtosUtils dna.subdir = dna aop_interface.subdir = aop_interface aop_data.subdir = aop_data aop_comm.subdir = aop_comm RouteContainer.subdir = RouteContainer tap_data.subdir = tap_data tap_common.subdir = tap_common arinc_io_adapter.subdir = arinc_io_adapter tap_messaging.subdir = tap_messaging tap_display_app.depends = aop_comm_base aop_data aop_interface aop_logger aop_measure aop_serial aop_util aop_xml configuration tap_common tap_data tap_messaging DataCollection TableLookups WindModel aop_serial.depends = aop_logger aop_xml aop_comm_base.depends = aop_serial aop_util.depends = aop_logger aop_xml aop_serial aop_measure.depends = aop_util AvionicsBus.depends = BufferedSharedMemory MoreMath DebugLogger MathUtilities.depends = MoreMath DataCollection.depends = MathUtilities AircraftDataModel.depends = DebugLogger MoreMath WindModel.depends = MoreMath configuration.depends = aop_logger aop_measure aop_serial aop_util AtosUtils dna.depends = aop_comm_base aop_interface aop_logger aop_interface.depends = aop_comm aop_comm_base aop_data aop_logger aop_measure aop_serial aop_util aop_xml configuration AvionicsBus RouteContainer aop_data.depends = aop_logger aop_measure aop_serial aop_util aop_xml configuration DataCollection MathUtilities MoreMath WindModel aop_comm.depends = aop_comm_base aop_data tap_data.depends = aop_data aop_logger aop_measure aop_serial aop_util aop_xml tap_common TableLookups WindModel tap_common.depends = aop_util aop_serial arinc_io_adapter.depends = aop_data aop_interface aop_logger aop_measure aop_serial aop_util AvionicsBus tap_messaging.depends = aop_comm_base aop_logger aop_measure aop_serial aop_util aop_xml tap_common tap_data
The "tap_display_app" is the application's main executable and Xcode defaults to it as its first build target, which is correct. However, when I initiate the build, it only builds the main executable and then fails to link because none of the dependencies were built.
Any idea why its ignoring the dependencies? Its probably important to point out that it works fine when in Qt Creator. Its only when I create the XCode project files that things go bad. I use the following to generate the XCode project files (from Terminal):
qmake -spec macx-xcode -recursive
Please don't tell me to go back to an ordered build.
@patrik08 I'm not building for Mac, I am building for iOS. You cannot simply run "make". You need to generate XCode project files and tweak them in order to build for iOS. The -recursive is necessary or else the resulting project files will only contain the top-level project and not the projects in the subdirectories
@patrik08 Have you ever actually built for iOS though? There are settings that need to be set, which I have yet to figure out how to do with qmake. For example, selecting the target to be built, setting our team for provisioning, disabling bitcode and installing the target on a device. If I could do these things without running XCode, then perhaps your solution would be helpful.
Try to build a simply hello world for IOS in cmake
its easy
&& xcodebuild
The New QT Creator have also a better Cmake support ... well done..David & Goliad...
like MuPDF vs poppler load a 20MB pdf
the differences make an impression -
Guys, is any qmake's workaround for this issue? Because I'm too faced with this: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-71566
It makes the qmake && qt unusable at all in real development.
That command provided by QtCreator and called automatically.. I have updated the bug-report.