Project ERROR: This example requires Qt to be configured with -opengl desktop
As you can see the compiler is giving me this error:
Project ERROR: This example requires Qt to be configured with -opengl desktop
I'm using Qt 5.9.1 and using cross compile according to this info
when trying to run openGl example named "Boxes"
other example run ok without openGl..
what did I miss?
I've followed all the steps from that page and everything was fine - at least this is what I do believe.. maybe I've missed a library? or something else?Thanking you
Ive just found that the error was generated inside the .pro file
qtConfig(opengles.|angle|dynamicgl): error("This example requires Qt to be configured with -opengl desktop")
what is this doing there???
Like the error message states, this is an example that requires a full featured OpenGL stack to run.
Ok, and How can I do that on Raspberry Pi - my program is running in fullscreen mode. According to this tutorial from Qt
link where is stated that:Note that this is not intended for running desktop-style, windowed Qt apps under X11, but rather for the real embedded/device creation use case where the Qt app runs fullscreen on top of dispmanx/EGL using the Broadcom drivers.
So how can I correct that error? do I have to recompile Qt? there are other modules to add? to install some libraries?
Kindle advise
many thanks -
Do what on the Raspberry Pi ?
The Boxes example requires a desktop OpenGL setup that is not available on the Pi which provides only support for OpenGL ES.
Can you explain what you are trying to achieve ?