QT Could not create directory
Hello there, I am not sure if I am in the right category to ask this question.
I am new in QT platform. I am trying to run and build a project in QT but I have stumbled upon a bunch errors. I have found solutions to some of them and other I did not. Which leads me to ask you guys this question. When I build/run my project it is giving me this error: Could not create directory "C:\Users\name\Documents\Error in " Util.asciify("build-untitled9-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_6_2-Debug")": TypeError: Property 'asciify' of object Core::Internal::UtilsJsExtension(0x34d22c8) is not a function" Error while building/deploying project untitled9 (kit: Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.6.2)) When executing step "qmake"your help will really I appreciated
@programDnger said in QT Could not create directory:
C:\Users\name\Documents\Error in
Looks like you're using blanks in the path? You should avoid blanks in paths.
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Judging by...
...this could be a problem in you computer setup - multiple SDKs/QtCreators.
So, I'd advice you to check that and check the project's setting -- or create it again from scratch. -
Thanks! I was able to fix it
@programDnger how do you fix it?? I´m running in the same issue.