Database Querying Interface
Hello QDevnet,
I asked a question about which database is good for me and I decided PostgreSql. My new question about interface.
** System **
- 1 server pc
- 10 users
- Lots of documents about ~20000.
- Amount of query transaction about ~200-300 in a day.
- Documents are tagged with RFID sticker.
I will make an application that is listen the incoming data from UHF hardware and save the information to the database which is about document's "IN/OUT TIME" from room.
(UHF hardware is reading document's RFID stickers)The problem is what is the best interface solution?
My old idea is make an application and install to the all users's PC and let them query possibility. But this is inefficient solution, isn't it? Because, I should install the every pc, update the every pc or etc.
Webpage management solution. The user open the chrome, firefox, etc. and query the document from database. But how ? I don't know from webpage. What is the necessary tools for this method. How can I integrate webpage and database (Postgre)? Can I make all these steps in the Qt?
Thanks for your support,
Best regards.