Qt Openglseries OpenGL accelerated example on Mali400 GPU
i have successfully cross compiled qt , All of the opengl and QT charts examples are working , except qtopenglseries example.
i am quite new to openGL stuff so i don't really understand what is wrong. i think problem is somehow related to Mali 400 GPU which is available on my CPU Chip. it has only two shaders.
so when i try to run openglseries example have these messages.
*QOpenGLShader::compile(Vertex): 1:2: S0024: Symbol 'min' redeclared
*** Problematic Vertex shader source code ***
#line 1
attribute highp vec2 points;
uniform highp vec2 min;
uniform highp vec2 delta;
uniform highp float pointSize;
uniform highp mat4 matrix;
void main() {
vec2 normalPoint = vec2(-1, -1) + ((points - min) / delta);
gl_Position = matrix * vec4(normalPoint, 0, 1);
gl_PointSize = pointSize;
QOpenGLShader::link: L0100 GLSL allows exactly two attached shaders (one of each type) per program
QOpenGLShader::link: L0100 GLSL allows exactly two attached shaders (one of each type) per program
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(color): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(min): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(delta): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(pointSize): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShader::link: L0100 GLSL allows exactly two attached shaders (one of each type) per program
QOpenGLShader::link: L0100 GLSL allows exactly two attached shaders (one of each type) per program
QOpenGLShader::link: L0100 GLSL allows exactly two attached shaders (one of each type) per program
QOpenGLShader::link: L0100 GLSL allows exactly two attached shaders (one of each type) per program
QOpenGLShader::link: L0100 GLSL allows exactly two attached shaders (one of each type) per program
QOpenGLShader::link: L0100 GLSL allows exactly two attached shaders (one of each type) per program*Same message continue.
of course i can run this example in unaccelerated mode without any problem . but in unaccelerated mode frame rate is quite low and it eatup all of CPU.
can somboby please help me to understand what is the exact issue.
is this possible to somehow limit number of shaders qt can use? or any thing else.
it will be really nice if anybody can help . please
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I'd recommend bringing this problem to the interest mailing list. You'll find there Qt's developers/maintainers. This forum is more user oriented.