Android build failed with Android Studio 2.3
when building for Android I get the following error:Cannot find template directory C:/Users/topse/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/tools/templates/gradle/wrapper 12:47:57: Der Prozess "C:\Qt\5.8\android_armv7\bin\androiddeployqt.exe" wurde mit dem Rückgabewert 3 beendet.
And: yes the message is right... gradle has been moved to c:\Program Files\Android Studio\somewhere...
Is it possible, to set the path for Qt somewhere?
Best Regards,
Tobias -
Not a bug per se. The Android folks have the nasty habit of re-organizing stuff in their SDK/NDK from time to time without notice.
@topse as you say i created missing folder still this is not working
this error comes
Can't open file: C:/Users/Bwrl/Documents/build-andro-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_9_Qt_5_7_1-Debug/android-build/gradle/wrapper/ for writing
It is a problem with newest Android SDK Tools. If installs the 25.2.5, it works.
On stackoverflow talk about this problem:
There appears the link to download this SDK Tools:
After download the zip, enter on the folder where the SDK is installed and delete the tools folder. Unzip it. It creates a new tools folder with the 25.2.5 tools.