QFileSystemWatcher's signal "directoryChanged" not emitted
Like suggested in both report, please provide a minimal compilable example.
For it has two purposes: see what code triggers the problem and allows to build the example on other platforms.
@SGaist I have now uploaded a minimal project to test and display directorychange and filechange but it is not complete because it does'nt add the paths to watcher when adding new path....
we use Qt -LGPL in our little company and (at home for personal projects)
if our company buy a commercial license for three months, will be the two bugs be corrected ? -
Paying customer bug will have more weight however I don't know how fast it will make things. I'm not working for the Qt Company and can't comment on such matter.
@VRonin I didn't try all the OS, but I can later, but under linux there isn't any difference between del and shift+del like under windows (because I tested that with del under win10 so when you put the folder in the trashcan, but did'nt test really with shift+del...I think with shift+del under win7 it is ok but not sure 100%
I will do more test so....
but I have already looked at the code of QFile SystemWatcher for one year because of the older bug and I don't really understand it....if I could understand it I would have made myself the correction.I will try again to look at the code of QFileSystemWatcher -
@VRonin OK there is the same problem under linux debian 8 with kde.when you move to thrash a subdirectory watched the signal directorychanged is not emitted and when you delete it with shift+del the signal is emitted...I have just tested now
under windows 7 I can only delete with shift+del it doesn't allow me to delete with del so there isn't any problem
I didn't test under mac os -
@VRonin I have looked quickly at the source code of QFileSystemWatcher....(Qt5.6.2)
first I don't find the definition of init() and initPollerEngine() of the class QFileSystemWatcherPrivate (qfilesystemwatcher_p.h) that are called in the constructor of QFileSystemWatcher and in the method addPaths.
second, I have seen that there is a thread that derivate from QThread for windows, QWindowsFileSystemWatcherEngineThread, and the method run is redefinited l332 in qfilesystemwatcher_win.cpp,so that I understand it but don't understand all the details in the method run... -
@VRonin I have looked too at the win32 functions findfirstchangenotification (used l.160) and find nextchangenotification (used l.364)....I think I must use a debug version of Qt to debug that because perhaps there is no change notification on the handle when we use a simple del to delete a directory ie send it to trashcan(without shift) ?
@VRonin what are the other errors of FindNextChangeNotification?didn't find them in the win32 msdn documentation.
And I don't really know how to do debug of Qt ? because it is in QtCore,so I suppose I must take the project and source of QtCore, but my test project use not only QtCore but QtGui and QtWidget too.... -
@VRonin Thank you vronin, do you know how I can debug QtCore (or corelib or io) with my test project synchro as executable with QtCreator and mingw-w64(the compiler of qt.io).I suppose I must take the source (single,the .zip) but don't really know how to do that.my project synchro uses core,gui and widget but I suppose I must open corelib or io as project in QtCreator
@VRonin do you know how to get the version 5.6.2 of qtbase from code.qt.io with git? (to build it in debug and try to debug corelib)
@VRonin it is done.but to debug qfilesystemwatcher should I open corelib.pro in QtCreator (QtCore) and build it debug and put breakpoints and attach to my app synchro ?