QGraphicsDropShadowEffect and QResizeEvent
I'm using a custom QLabel class that is mainly used to display images/icons and emit Signals/do Stuff with mouseevents.
My last additon was a shadow effect, using
when the mouse hovers over the label.The problem is, when the effect is applied, it causes a resizeeffent for the whole programm and the min-width is more or less doubled.
I could stop this with
during the effect creations. But the labels are part of a QPropertyAnimation and as soon as the animation starts the resize is triggered again.Is there a way to prevent this? Is QGraphicsDropShadowEffect actually the correct why to archiv my goal - shadow of the label while mouse over - or should I do something else?
Like, load a different pixmap that has a drawn shadow and swap between those two.{ connect(this, &cLabel::hover, this, &cLabel::shadowEffect); } //Code excerpt where the effect is applied void cLabel::enableShadow(bool enable) { m_shadowEffect = enable; if(enable){ this->blockSignals(true); effect = new QGraphicsDropShadowEffect(this); effect->setColor(QColor(110,152,226,255)); effect->setBlurRadius(10); effect->setOffset(5); effect->setEnabled(false); this->setGraphicsEffect(effect); this->blockSignals(false); }else{ effect->deleteLater(); } } void cLabel::shadowEffect(bool status) { if(m_shadowEffect){ if(status) effect->setEnabled(true); else effect->setEnabled(false); } } void cLabel::enterEvent(QEvent *event) { emit hover(true); event->ignore(); } void cLabel::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) { emit hover(false); _Clicked = false; reset(); event->ignore(); }
I've tried a couple of different things.
all without success:
- Applying and handling the DropShadowEffect from the parent widget
- Disabling the effect before emitting the clicked Signal
- Delays between signal and execution
- Blocking all signals before the start of the QPropertyAnimation
- setting a fixedSize for the MainWindow, user cant change the size, but upon the animations execution the MainWindow gets the new minSize anyway
But I noticed, that it also happens when I change to a new side of my stackedwidget, but not when I click outside the application.
I'm now down to a 2nd set of Pixmaps that have a predrawn shadow effect on them. Those I swap on mouse over.
I'm not happy with it, but it works. If anyone has a better solution please tell me.
I'll mark this as solved.
I wasn't able to do it with QGraphicsDropShadowEffect, and creating all images twice and including them in the rcs-file is simply a no go.
Therefore I create a function, that draws a shadow - all 4 sides - around the the QImages, either at startup or during runtime.
Here it is, in case anyone else needs something like it.
QImage drawShadow(QImage img) { //Condition img allready has a transparent border 4 Pixel in this case //Create new Img with same Size QImage imgBGround(img.size(), img.format()); //Fill it with transparency QPainter p(&imgBGround); QPen pen; pen.setStyle(Qt::NoPen); p.setPen(pen); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); p.fillRect(QRect(0,0,img.width(), img.height()), QColor(255,255,255,0)); //Draw Rounded Rectangle as Shadow QPainterPath path; path.addRoundedRect(QRect(0,0,img.width(), img.height()),15,15); p.fillPath(path,QColor(110,152,226)); p.drawPath(path); //Draw Original Img over background p.drawImage(0,0,img); return imgBGround; }