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QtWS25 Call for Papers
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    6 Posts

    The idea is that you have your container widget getting resized and in its resize event, you change the size of the inner widgets with the ratio you want.

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    5 Posts

    @marcbf said in Remember window size before maximization (or Detect if QResizeEvent is maximization):

    int w = currentSize.width();
    int h = currentSize.height();

    if (restoresize)
    w = qMax(settings["Width"].Value(0), w);
    h = qMax(settings["Height"].Value(0), h);

    Man, this is the deal!!! Everything worked perfectly after I fine tuned your code to my context! Thank you very much.

    The trick was really to use normalGeometry and windowState, so these two are the answer to my question.

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    3 Posts


    I'll mark this as solved.

    I wasn't able to do it with QGraphicsDropShadowEffect, and creating all images twice and including them in the rcs-file is simply a no go.

    Therefore I create a function, that draws a shadow - all 4 sides - around the the QImages, either at startup or during runtime.

    Here it is, in case anyone else needs something like it.

    QImage drawShadow(QImage img) { //Condition img allready has a transparent border 4 Pixel in this case //Create new Img with same Size QImage imgBGround(img.size(), img.format()); //Fill it with transparency QPainter p(&imgBGround); QPen pen; pen.setStyle(Qt::NoPen); p.setPen(pen); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); p.fillRect(QRect(0,0,img.width(), img.height()), QColor(255,255,255,0)); //Draw Rounded Rectangle as Shadow QPainterPath path; path.addRoundedRect(QRect(0,0,img.width(), img.height()),15,15); p.fillPath(path,QColor(110,152,226)); p.drawPath(path); //Draw Original Img over background p.drawImage(0,0,img); return imgBGround; }