Calling a program that is dumped to a C array.
Hello, it's not quite qt related, however it can be considered a qt resource program too, but for now, let's say that I have a binutil like program that dumps an elf/exe file to a .c file to a char array formint that format
extern const char _binary_default[]; // dumped hex data extern const size_t _binary_default_size; // size of array
so in my program I am trying to do the following:
#include "binary7.c" // the file wit hex data extern const char _binary_default[]; // externals to the file`s array extern const size_t _binary_default_size; // externals to file`s size typedef int (*fb)(int argc, char** arv); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { fb c = (fb)_binary_default; // casting the array to a function c(argc, argv); // try calling it return 0; }
Let's say I've dumped a program "Hello world". Will that approach work? For me it does not work. My g2bin program formats the array with
fprintf(..., "0x%x")
. So, Qt embeded world, will you lend me a hand in this?Thanks.
Maybe you could write it back as a file and use QProcess to run it ? -
I ment the OS.
All sampes i know of , write it to file
You would need somehow to create the process without a file and im not sure
there are any easy way to do that. ( since its exe and not DLL/So)This talk of this -
Well on windows , many scanners would trigger on your exe :)
Its 100% same way as spyware try to execute its payload.Anyway, before you can directly run it, should not have a "decompile" function?
I assume that g2bin change the values so no zero are found and hence can
be included as a string.
So if u give _binary_default to some process function, the actual memory block will be in correct format or still in this "hex" format?
Maybe I should rather ask. If you save it directly back to a file.
and run it. It works?On linux it seems to be possible exe files compressors do this
So u might be able to be inspired.But if u cant use a file , then be prepared for it to get a bit hairy :)
Hello, here is the complete code:#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define DEBUG 1 static FILE* open_or_exit(const char* fname, char* perms) { FILE* fp = fopen(fname, perms); if ( !fp ) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); else return fp; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if ( argc < 3 ) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR usage!\ng2bin <infile> <outfile>\n"); return 1; } char varname[128]={0}; if ( argc == 4 ) { sprintf(varname, "%s", argv[3]); } else { sprintf(varname, "%s", "default"); } FILE *infile = open_or_exit(argv[1], "rb"); FILE* outfile = open_or_exit(argv[2], "w"); unsigned short buff[256]={0}; size_t line=0; size_t nread=0; fprintf(outfile, "#include <stdlib.h>\n"); fprintf(outfile, "const char "); fprintf(outfile, "_binary_%s", varname); fprintf(outfile, "[]={\n"); do { nread = fread(buff, 1, sizeof(buff), infile); #ifdef DEBUG printf("[%d] bytes read\n", nread); #endif for(int i=0; i < (sizeof(buff)/sizeof(buff[0])); i++) { fprintf(outfile, "0x%02x", buff[i]); if ( nread > 0) fprintf(outfile, ","); else break; if ( line++ >= 10 ) { fprintf(outfile, "\n"); line = 0; } } } while ( nread > 0); fprintf(outfile, "};\n"); fprintf(outfile, "const size_t _binary_%s_size=sizeof(_binary_%s);\n" ,varname, varname); fclose(infile); fclose(outfile); return 0; }
That dumps a file into a .c compilable file with data and data's size. A feedback would be welcome.