Cross compile Qt 5.7 for raspberry pi 3 problem : font (text words) in application not showing up during running
i am making widgets application so i followed the step from this website..... But while running the application font is not showing in it.i am new to Qt , please help me.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Check whether you don't have an empty font folder in your Qt installation on your target.
yes sir i checked it this directory : /usr/local/qt5pi/lib there was no font folder
before adding the folder :
Unable to query physical screen size, defaulting to 100 dpi.
QFontDatabase: Cannot find font directory /usr/local/qt5pi/lib/fonts.
Note that Qt no longer ships fonts. Deploy some (from for example) or switch to fontconfig.
QFontDatabase: Cannot find font directory /usr/local/qt5pi/lib/fonts.
Note that Qt no longer ships fonts. Deploy some (from for example) or switch to fontconfig.
QFontDatabase: Cannot find font directory /usr/local/qt5pi/lib/fonts.
Note that Qt no longer ships fonts. Deploy some (from for example) or switch to fontconfig.
QFontDatabase: Cannot find font directory /usr/local/qt5pi/lib/fonts.
Note that Qt no longer ships fonts. Deploy some (from for example) or switch to i copied two folders ( fonts & fontconfig ) from directory : /usr/share then i paste it to
directory : /usr/local/qt5pi/lib
now /usr/local/qt5pi/lib/fonts/turetype (this directory contain of dejavu folder and it's files , ttf-dejavu folder and it's files inside it ) inside the fonts folder this folder are present truetype ,type1,x11 .after adding the folder:
after running the application it shows onlyUnable to query physical screen size, defaulting to 100 dpi.
To override, set QT_QPA_EGLFS_PHYSICAL_WIDTH and QT_QPA_EGLFS_PHYSICAL_HEIGHT (in millimeters).still fonts are not showing in the application in the raspberry pi 3 which is connected to display :
which i had did was correct ? sir ....? -
Just to be sure, you are still seeing your application on that screen, only no text, correct ?
What distribution are you running on your Pi ?
So the Raspbian base image.
What options did you pass to Qt when you built it ?
Hi there!
I have the same problem. My applications runs without displaying any text, in addition the graphics quality is bad.
As configuring options I pass ./configure -v -opengl es2 -device linux-rasp-pi-g''+ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/ -optimized-qmake -reduce-exports -release -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -make libs -prefix /usr/local/qt5Note: I did native build QT 5.8
@Angel-Popov said in cross compile Qt 5.7 for raspberry pi 3 problem : font (text words) in application not showing up during running:
Note: I did native build QT 5.8
How did you do the native build of 5.8? I'm struggling with 5.7 for a while now it seems all wiki's are outdated for a Rasp3/Jessie build?
@larry104 I followed just these few simple stepsи-qt-5-8/
And as far as I remember I did pass -skip qtgamepad.However, the text problem remains.
Note that /usr/local/qt5pi/lib/fonts is supposed to be flat, meaning the ttf files must be right in there, without any subdirectories. An alternative, if you do not want to copy anything, is to set QT_QPA_FONTDIR to something suitable, f.ex. /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu (do export QT_QPA_FONTDIR=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu before running the application)
This is of course just a workaround. Why Qt was configured without fontconfig support (this is visible in the summary that is printed after running configure, look for a line with something like "fontconfig ..... no"), is a different question. It usually happens when a system Freetype is not available. Did you follow step #3 at in order to get a rootfs that has the necessary headers/libs?
@agocs Thank you for you answer. I will check this out as soos as I can.
About fontconfig support, the following is the summary of the build with -fonconfing included:
Build options:
Mode ................................... release; optimized tools
Building shared libraries .............. yes
Using C++ standard ..................... C++14
Using gold linker ...................... yes
Using new DTAGS ........................ yes
Using precompiled headers .............. yes
Using LTCG ............................. no
Target compiler supports:
NEON ................................. no
Build parts ............................ libs
Qt modules and options:
Qt Concurrent .......................... yes
Qt D-Bus ............................... yes
Qt D-Bus directly linked to libdbus .... no
Qt Gui ................................. yes
Qt Network ............................. yes
Qt Sql ................................. yes
Qt Testlib ............................. yes
Qt Widgets ............................. yes
Qt Xml ................................. yes
Support enabled for:
Accessibility .......................... yes
Using pkg-config ....................... no
QML debugging .......................... yes
udev ................................... yes
Using system zlib ...................... yes
Qt Core:
DoubleConversion ....................... yes
Using system DoubleConversion ........ no
GLib ................................... no
iconv .................................. no
ICU .................................... yes
Logging backends:
journald ............................. no
syslog ............................... no
slog2 ................................ no
Using system PCRE ...................... no
Qt Network:
getaddrinfo() .......................... yes
getifaddrs() ........................... yes
IPv6 ifname ............................ yes
libproxy ............................... no
OpenSSL ................................ yes
Qt directly linked to OpenSSL ........ no
SCTP ................................... no
Use system proxies ..................... yes
Qt Sql:
DB2 (IBM) .............................. no
InterBase .............................. no
MySql .................................. yes
OCI (Oracle) ........................... no
ODBC ................................... yes
PostgreSQL ............................. yes
SQLite2 ................................ yes
SQLite ................................. yes
Using system provided SQLite ......... no
TDS (Sybase) ........................... yes
Qt Gui:
FreeType ............................... yes
Using system FreeType ................ no
HarfBuzz ............................... yes
Using system HarfBuzz ................ no
Fontconfig ............................. no
Image formats:
GIF .................................. yes
ICO .................................. yes
JPEG ................................. yes
Using system libjpeg ............... yes
PNG .................................. yes
Using system libpng ................ no
EGL .................................. yes
Desktop OpenGL ....................... no
OpenGL ES 2.0 ........................ yes
OpenGL ES 3.0 ........................ no
OpenGL ES 3.1 ........................ no
Session Management ..................... yes
Features used by QPA backends:
evdev .................................. yes
libinput ............................... no
mtdev .................................. no
tslib .................................. yes
xkbcommon-evdev ........................ no
QPA backends:
DirectFB ............................... no
EGLFS .................................. yes
EGLFS details:
EGLFS i.Mx6 .......................... no
EGLFS i.Mx6 Wayland .................. no
EGLFS EGLDevice ...................... no
EGLFS GBM ............................ no
EGLFS Mali ........................... no
EGLFS Raspberry Pi ................... yes
EGL on X11 ........................... no
LinuxFB ................................ yes
Mir client ............................. no
Using system provided XCB libraries .. yes
EGL on X11 ........................... no
Xinput2 .............................. yes
XCB XKB .............................. yes
XLib ................................. yes
Xrender .............................. yes
XCB render ........................... yes
XCB GLX .............................. yes
XCB Xlib ............................. yes
Using system-provided xkbcommon ...... no
Qt Widgets:
GTK+ ................................... no
Styles ................................. Fusion Windows
Qt PrintSupport:
CUPS ................................... yes
Qt SerialBus:
Socket CAN ............................. yes
Socket CAN FD .......................... yes
XML schema support ..................... yes
QML interpreter ........................ yes
QML network support .................... yes
Qt Quick:
Direct3D 12 ............................ no
AnimatedImage item ..................... yes
Canvas item ............................ yes
Support for Quick Designer ............. yes
Flipable item .......................... yes
GridView item .......................... yes
ListView item .......................... yes
Path support ........................... yes
PathView item .......................... yes
Positioner items ....................... yes
ShaderEffect item ...................... yes
Sprite item ............................ yes
Qt 3D:
System Assimp .......................... no
Qt Wayland Drivers:
EGL .................................... yes
Rasberry Pi ............................ yes
XComposite EGL ......................... no
XComposite GLX ......................... no
DRM EGL ................................ no
libhybris EGL .......................... no
Qt Wayland Client ........................ yes
Qt Wayland Compositor .................... yes
Qt Bluetooth:
BlueZ .................................. no
BlueZ Low Energy ....................... no
Linux Crypto API ....................... no
Qt Multimedia:
ALSA ................................... yes
GStreamer 1.0 .......................... no
GStreamer 0.10 ......................... no
Video for Linux ........................ yes
OpenAL ................................. no
PulseAudio ............................. no
Resource Policy (libresourceqt5) ....... no
DirectShow ............................. no
Qt Location:
Gypsy GPS Daemon ....................... no
WinRT Geolocation API .................. no
Qt Sensors:
sensorfw ............................... no
Qt WebEngine:
Proprietary Codecs ..................... no
Spellchecker ........................... yes
ALSA ................................... yes
PulseAudio ............................. noNote: Also available for Linux: linux-clang linux-kcc linux-icc linux-cxx
Note: -optimized-tools is not useful in -release mode.
WARNING: Cross compiling without sysroot. Disabling pkg-config
ERROR: Feature 'fontconfig' was enabled, but the pre-condition '!config.win32 && !config.darwin && features.system-freetype && libs.fontconfig' failed.
I'm not able to activate the feature it says : ERROR: Feature 'fontconfig' was enabled, but the pre-condition '!config.win32 && !config.darwin && features.system-freetype && libs.fontconfig' failed.
Thanks in advance
@Angel-Popov Call configure with additional -v parameter, then you should see why fontconfig check fails (most probably missing libs/header).
@agocs I solved on QT 5.8 by providing fonts in Qt/lib/fonts without any subdirectories. However, the graphics quality is not so good and animations run slow. It says, in the debug console as I run the app, that JIT is disabled and it is required for fluid animations. How can I improve the graphics, enable JIT and have better performance?
I am encountering this exact situation as well. Spent many hours on it, still not solved
In my environment sysroot + pkg-config are fully configured. Using Qt 5.8
If I poke into the pkgconfig folder fontconfig does report it's there.
/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ in sysroot is present