ARM+Ubuntu12.04 cannot display Qt program well
As shown link text, my ARM board runs Ubuntu12.04. I tried to test my Qt program(Qt 4.8.6) on it.("./hello -qws")
It showed like the figure.I tried run my Qt program without using "-qws",but errors occured as "QWSSocket::connectToLocalFile could not connect::Connection refused"
Could you please give me some advice to solve it? Thank you very much!
Sadly the image upload has some issues so we cant see your image.
please upload to other site and paste link here. is an option but any site will do :)-qws means Qt Window Server and as far as i know part of Qt-embedded
So are you using Qt-embedded ?
If you dont want to use QWS , I think you need a X server or a frame buffer.
(QVFb) -
Not QVFB, the virtual frame buffer was used to emulate a device screen while developing on desktop computer.
Looks like a classic console rewrite over the application however something's not clear from your screen shot. It looks like you are running your application over Ubuntu over your console.
What is your exact setup ?
@SGaist Thanks SGaist. I run my Qt program on my ARM board,by typing "./hello -qws" in a console. Then it showed as you can see. It seems like that the Ubuntu Desktop and My Qt program are scrambling for the Display. Sometimes it showed the desktop and sometimes it showed my Qt program. I want the Display to show my Qt program.
If you want to have only your application you should not have your X server running on the same frame buffer at the same time.