Tips to start to work with mysql
Hi guys, it's the first time that i program with QT5 and mysql database also. Before to ask help i will show you the small database that i have to use and the gui of my application:
GUI:'s a small application that allow the user to store electronic component in the database, take care of datasheet and the location where they are stored, really simple.
Now, i made the connection with the database in my code and everything it's fine, i can also run simple query and print result with qDebug.- How can i show in the TreeView the category table (without the ID), and if the user click on the plus to expand the child will show the subcategory table (also without ID)?
I just want to say that the treeView and tableView will be read-only, to update or add something in the database i will select a row in the table and press a button to add, remove or update.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
If you want to show tabular data in a tree representation, then you'll to write your own model that does the table to tree conversion.
Nobody? I'm really stuck with this and i cannot continue.
There's the Editable Tree Model example that shows you how a tree model should work. This should give you a good starting point.
For a beginner I have found Youtube tutorials from VoidRealms very helpful. For example this tutorial is about editing in a database table: (C++ Qt 56 - QSqlTableModel )