Connect to Nordic NRF52 Development Kit
we're developing with a Nordic Semiconductor Development Kit called NRF52 DK.
The development kit working well but it's not possible to connect via bluetooth.Using the QLowEnergyController and call the connectToDevice methode will end in nothing. The "connected()" function will never called. I found now other users with the same problem: this a problem from Qt and can be fixed somehow or some wrong implementation by Nordic Semiconductor?
I'm also in contact with Nordic, if I have some new informations I will tell you but I still wanna ask here, just for the case someone has informations about this problem. -
Which OS and Qt version are you using ?
Do you have the bluez libraries installed ?
Are you experiencing the same thing as described in this bug report ?
@HTWAMD Configuring the pins on Microcontrollers can take a lot of time - so my team & I hacked together a small tool of our own for Nordic MCUs.
Initialise your nRF52832 based projects much faster with Vicara’s Code Generator!
A simple GUI to configure pins, peripherals and project files without writing a single line of code.
We currently support GPIO, GPIOTE, PWM, UART, SPI & TWIM with Segger Embedded Studio project file generation.
More peripherals and boards to be supported soon.
Please do try it out and share your feedback! The website link is: