How to handle GIS with qt and ARM processor ? [solved]
hi there ..
how can i make GIS map viewer and manipulate the map, analyze and all GIS work within QT in embedded Linux and ARM processor?
i found arcGIS but there is no any support for ARM processors !! any suggestion will be so helpfulThanks in advance...
guys is it impossible or i didn't make my question clear ??
i really need your help :( -
Are you looking for something like QGIS ? Or the QtLocation module ?
@SGaist hi thanks for replying man ...
QGIS i think is a software rit !! no i need something like QtLocation that can help me to develop one like QGIS but mine one with simple features... like insert map, add GPS positioning into map zoom in out and so on ...
but must be support by Qt 4.8 -
Since you're locked with 4.8, have a look at QtMobility
Or use QMapControl and customize it :) , Qt mobility and merbal both are sound fine to me thanks guys I will read more about them ...