Image Stored in the Database.
Hi All,
I developed one application, user selected image need to appeared in the label button, then if I click push-button that image need to store in database.
image only appeared in the label. I cant able to directly stored in the database.
Here is my code:
//image appeared in the label button
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_4_clicked()
QString fileName = "/home/embdestech/Desktop/drink.png";qDebug() <<fileName<<endl; ui->label_2->setPixmap(fileName);
//image stored in the database
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
QString img;
PRINT<<"Connecting ....";
QSqlDatabase myDB= QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
myDB.setDatabaseName("/home/Desktop/tsk/karthick.db");if( database { PRINT <<"Database Opened..."; QSqlQuery qry; if(qry.exec("CREATE TABLE sen(img VARCHAR[20]);")) { PRINT <<"karthick Table Created..."; } PRINT<<QString("INSERT INTO sen(img) VALUES('%1');").arg(img); if(qry.exec(QString("INSERT INTO sen(img) VALUES('%1');").arg(img))) { PRINT <<"values inserted..."; } else { PRINT <<"user Error .." << qry.lastError().text(); PRINT <<"Closed"; myDB.close(); } myDB.close();
}Any one help me how to image stored in the database and retrieve the image.
Why are you creating the table each time you try to store the image?
In the code you provided you commented out//img=ui->lineEdit->text();
that means you're trying to store an empty string.