Insertion Image in the Database.
Hi all,
How to image insert in the database. Already i insert one way. fetching time only path(string format) appeared. Image doesn't appeared.
this is my code.
if(qry.exec("SELECT groupname,imageurl FROM grouptable;"))
int recCount = 0;
while( )
}if(recCount>0) { qry.first(); qry.previous(); PRINT <<"Query sucess"; ui->list->clear(); ui->list->setFont(QFont("Ubuntu",10)); while( { //adding the group name to the list view ui->list->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(qry.value(1).toString()),qry.value(0).toString())); } } else { PRINT<<"table empty"<<endl; } }
anyone help me.
Did you check that the path are valid to create your icons ?
This is my full code. I check it, valid path only. fetching time string only appeared.
if( { QSqlQuery qry; PRINT<<QString("SELECT groupid FROM grouptable where groupname=\"%1\";").arg(group)<<endl; //checking for the group id under the group name which is selected if(qry.exec(QString("SELECT groupid FROM grouptable where groupname=\"%1\";").arg(group))) { int recCount = 0; while( ) { recCount++; } if(recCount>0) { qry.first(); PRINT <<"Query sucess"<<endl; tempval=qry.value(0).toInt(); groupid=tempval; } else { PRINT<<"table empty"<<endl; } } else { PRINT <<"Error .." << db.lastError().text()<<endl; } PRINT<<QString("SELECT categoryname FROM category where groupid=%1 order by categoryid ASC;").arg(tempval)<<endl; //checking the category name under that group id if(qry.exec(QString("SELECT categoryname FROM category where groupid=%1 order by categoryid ASC;").arg(tempval))) { int recCount = 0; while( ) { recCount++; } if(recCount>0) { qry.first(); qry.previous(); PRINT <<"Query sucess"<<endl; ui->list->clear(); ui->list->setFont(QFont("Ubuntu",7)); while( { //adding categorys to list ui->list->addItem(qry.value(0).toString()); } } else { PRINT<<"table empty"<<endl; } } else { PRINT <<"Error .." << db.lastError().text()<<endl; } }
Where exactly in these query are you querying for an image ?