[SOLVED] Quering Enginio with QML
Hi guidupas,
until now I didn't use a ComboBox with QML and Enginio, so I've made this small example:
Assume, we have a collection objects.contacts with custom properties name and address:
{ "name": "Peter", "address": "Somewhere" } { "name": "Peter", "address": "Anywhere" }
and we want to see the addresses for all Peters in the ComboBox:
import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import Enginio 1.0 Rectangle { width: 500; height: 200 EnginioClient { id: client backendId: "myBackendID..." onError: console.log(reply.errorCode + ": " + reply.errorString) } EnginioModel { id: eModel client: client query: { "objectType": "objects.contacts", "query" : {"name": "Peter"} } } ComboBox { model: eModel textRole: "address" } }
And your ComboBox will contain:
AnywhereHope, it helps a bit...
AFAIK, the talk is about the client library, not the service
Currently I only saw this on the mailing list. If that be the case, it will be properly announced. The deprecation just means that there won't be further development on the client part except security related stuff. The code itself isn't going to disappear.
I was just starting to learn engin.io but according to the 5.6 roadmap the module will be deprecated http://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_5.6). What would be the recommanded way to communicate with an EDS backend from a qml mobile app? Even if the api will remains I feel it is not advisable to start a new project with an ingoing deprecated module...
From https://developer.qtcloudservices.com/eds/references/sdk-libraries It looks like there's something in the work.
@SGaist Sir I am trying the same since 1 hour but getting this problem:
administrator@pc-7:~/Downloads/FlareGet/Applications$ chmod +x qt-opensource-linux-x86-5.4.1.run
administrator@pc-7:~/Downloads/FlareGet/Applications$ ./qt-linux-opensource-linux-x86-5.4.1.run
bash: ./qt-linux-opensource-linux-x86-5.4.1.run: No such file or directory -
Please open a new thread for your problem.
https://forum.qt.io/category/10/general-and-desktop -> "New Topic" button