QWebEngineView taking up all the RAM without sight of cleaning it
Hello Qt community,
since last wednesday i am having some problems with QWebEngineView. I went from QWebView to EngineView because it is said to be better and more customisable etc. (dont wanna start an argument here about these two)
The problem:
simply dinamicaly allocated QWebEngineView is shown using .show() and a webpage is loaded with .load(QUrl("http://google.com))
when it loads it takes around 120MB of RAM is a lot, but i could live with that if it was the end of it.
Then after the page is loaded i click feel lucky(on google search) just to try and see if browsing works nicely. After it loads and i am just
browsing the page, without clicking ANYTHING the RAM starts to skyrocket to 1.5GB climbing until it stops when my RAM is totally full.Then i tried and created a new project, with nothing else only QWebEngineView and loading google and doing the same thing. Same problem still occurs.
Any suggestions?
Windows 7 Professional 64bit
Qtcreator 3.4.2
Qt vesion 5.5 for Windows 64-bit(VS 2013, 650mb)
Kit QT 5.5.0 MSVC2013 64bit
Compiler: Microsoft Visual c++ Compiler 12.0
Windows SDK 8.1 debuggers -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
If you can reproduce this easily with a minimal compilable example, you should go to the bug report system to see if it's something known. If not please consider opening a new report providing that example and the guidelines to trigger the bug.