Cant run app for Android
Hi, I have been working with Qt Desktop for a year now, and I needed to set up the environment for Android. I have followed carefully the steps in Qt documentations, downloaded Android SDK, NDK, Ant and JDK 7. I included all the paths and created a kit for Android. I installed the latest Android APIs and System Images from SDK and also created a AVD Nexus running Android 5.1.
I created a project (when i create a Widget project, in the supported platforms at the right, Android is not shown, as in tutorial I have seen) and build and run it on Desktop - eveything Ok. When I try to run it on Android, a pop up shows, wanting the path of the executable, saying it can not find it. I dont know what to include here, cause in all the tutorials I have seen the AVD should start automatically. (it is on, in the moment I try to run from Qt). I don't what other settings to check, been seven hours now, trying to figure out the problem.
I think the problem is in the Kit or in the Debugger, or in the Qt Version that can not detect the Android Kits or AVDs. Or it is just a silly thing that just need a path for the executable when running. These are all my system setting, please let me know if you need other info:Qt Creator 3.3.2 (opensource)
Based on Qt 5.4.1 (MSVC 2010, 32 bit)Android Kit:
Name: Android
File System Name: empty
Device Type: Android Device
Device: Run on Android(default for Android)
Sysroot: empty
Compiler: MinGw 4.9.1 32bit
Environment: No Changes to apply
Debugger: Android Debugger (I also tried to leave this Auto Detect, it was the same)
Android GDB server: Auto-Detect (I also tried including: C:\Qt_for_Android\android-ndk-r10e\prebuilt\android-arm\gdbserver, it was the same)
Qt Version: Qt 5.4.1 MinGW 32bit
Qt mkspec: emptyQt Versions:
Auto-Detected: QtQt %{Qt:Version} MinGW 32bit
no ManualCompilers:
MinGW 4.9.1 32 bit
and several others for Android GCC (arm-4.8, mips, x86), but when I try to include them into the Android Kit, the Kit is not Available, I can choose only MinGW, which seems the most probable problem to me.Debuggers"
GNU gdb 7.8 for MinGW
CDB at ...
Android with path : C:\Qt_for_Android\android-ndk-r10e\toolchains\arm-linux-androideabi-4.9\prebuilt\windows\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-gdb.exeI really dont know what the problem is, and I need to start asap, I have to finish the app in less then a week. Please, just any help would do :)
It might a silly question but did you install Qt for Android package ?