Regarding demo webcamera appliction in qt 3.2.2 on fedora 20
Hi and welcome to devnet,
AFAIR, there was no multimedia module in Qt 3. So you would have to reimplement that part yourself. Out of curiosity, why are you locked to a Qt version that is 12 years old ?
Thanks SGaist and Jean for your replay.
Sir, I have to use a "QT creator 3.2.2" only for my application. As it is running on Fedora 15.
So, "How to re-implement that part in qt3.3.3?" or "Is there any other solution that supports fedora 15?"
Thanks in me to complete this functionality. -
@SGaist Thanks Sir for your replay.
Sir, I have to use a "QT creator 3.2.2" only for my application. As it is running on Fedora 15.
So, "How to re-implement that part in qt3.3.3?" or "Is there any other solution that supports fedora 15?"
Thanks in me to complete this functionality. -
You could try the Camera example
or the QML camera example come with the examples in Qt 5.
Thank you sir,
Right now i am trying this example. It Showing multiple error for header files. I added complete path for this header file then it resolve it. Sir, Suppose "one.h" showing error then i add complete path it resolves. But after some time it shows error in the "One.h" included header file. I also solve that.. But now system give errors in the code of that example in each line...So can you send me small demo application on my mail "" . please sir....Help me to solve this problem...thanks in advance. -
Sir i am doing what you have told.
It shows error in ui_main_ui file that for include statement of "qcameraviewfinder.h". To solve this i locate this file and add path forr this file for QT5. Then it showing error for diffrent header files.
A. qcamerafinder.h:-
i. qmediacontrol.h
i. qtmultimediadefs.h
a. qtmultimediadefs.h
i. qtmultimediadefs.h
4. qvideowidget.h:-
ii. qtmultimediawidgetdefs.h
a. qmediaobject.hAbove .h files problem came. I locate this files and add path for it(Select QT5 file)
Now i got the last error for viewfinder which is unsolved yet for line
"viewfinder = new QCameraviewfinder(tab);"Error as undefined refarance to viewfinder
Can any body tell me how to solve this?
What version of Qt are you getting this code from ? And what exact version of Qt are you using ?
Did you properly install your system Qt for development ?
sir, i have done recording video and capturing video by using following code. I just call this code by using slots of "capture image" and "record a video":
// For Video:-
system("ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -vcodec mpeg4 -b 12000k -r 25 -t 00:00:55 test12.avi");//For image capture:-
system("fswebcam -s 15 --jpeg 95 --save /abasfc.jpeg");Sir, i just want view this particular item on GUI at the time of capturing image and recording video.. How to do that?
thanks in advance... -
Either grab the Qt SDK installer or use Fedora's package manager to install Qt.