Regarding demo webcamera appliction in qt 3.2.2 on fedora 20
@SGaist Thanks Sir for your replay.
Sir, I have to use a "QT creator 3.2.2" only for my application. As it is running on Fedora 15.
So, "How to re-implement that part in qt3.3.3?" or "Is there any other solution that supports fedora 15?"
Thanks in me to complete this functionality. -
You could try the Camera example
or the QML camera example come with the examples in Qt 5.
Thank you sir,
Right now i am trying this example. It Showing multiple error for header files. I added complete path for this header file then it resolve it. Sir, Suppose "one.h" showing error then i add complete path it resolves. But after some time it shows error in the "One.h" included header file. I also solve that.. But now system give errors in the code of that example in each line...So can you send me small demo application on my mail "" . please sir....Help me to solve this problem...thanks in advance. -
Sir i am doing what you have told.
It shows error in ui_main_ui file that for include statement of "qcameraviewfinder.h". To solve this i locate this file and add path forr this file for QT5. Then it showing error for diffrent header files.
A. qcamerafinder.h:-
i. qmediacontrol.h
i. qtmultimediadefs.h
a. qtmultimediadefs.h
i. qtmultimediadefs.h
4. qvideowidget.h:-
ii. qtmultimediawidgetdefs.h
a. qmediaobject.hAbove .h files problem came. I locate this files and add path for it(Select QT5 file)
Now i got the last error for viewfinder which is unsolved yet for line
"viewfinder = new QCameraviewfinder(tab);"Error as undefined refarance to viewfinder
Can any body tell me how to solve this?
What version of Qt are you getting this code from ? And what exact version of Qt are you using ?
Did you properly install your system Qt for development ?
sir, i have done recording video and capturing video by using following code. I just call this code by using slots of "capture image" and "record a video":
// For Video:-
system("ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -vcodec mpeg4 -b 12000k -r 25 -t 00:00:55 test12.avi");//For image capture:-
system("fswebcam -s 15 --jpeg 95 --save /abasfc.jpeg");Sir, i just want view this particular item on GUI at the time of capturing image and recording video.. How to do that?
thanks in advance... -
Either grab the Qt SDK installer or use Fedora's package manager to install Qt.