How to get iOS to include camera permission (Solved)
I've implemented the Scene Graph - OpenGL Under QML example, and include a camera feed which I will overlay Augmented Reality content using OpenGL. Everything works fine under Android, but I have no camera input under iOS. On the iPhone's settings for the app, i have Location enabled, but no Camera. In xCode developed apps when I've asked for the camera, iOS automatically asked for permission and included the response in the app's settings. It's not doing this under Qt, and entirely deleting the app from the iPhone hasn't solved the issue. I don't see any options in info.plist, and there's no manifest like there is for Android.
I'm thinking this is something very simple that I'm overlooking... any suggestions?
Since Qt for iOS is currently a static build, each plugin you would like to use must be specified like you did for qavfcamera