Qml or widget for mobile app
I want to create a mobile app like painter or simple photoshop (Some of algorithm for filling graph, etc, will be used). I had a simple widget code for desktop now.
We want to use the mobile app(ios and android) to connect linux system by wifi( or BLE) in the future.
And we want to create a code for linux system again after finishing the mobile app. Qml seems more hot then widget for mobile app.
What should I use?Qml or widget ?
Does Qt for android and ios support wifi and BLE?
Yes, WiFi was always supported, and BLE support was added in Qt 5.4, IIRC.
For a painter app I would personally choose QtWidgets module and QGraphicsView class. But it is also doable in QML using Canvas API or maybe some custom QQuickItem.
WiFi just works. Use any of classes from QtNetwork module (QNetworkAccessManager, QTcpSocket, etc.) and it will simply use the system connection.
For Bluetooth, see this: "link":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtbluetooth-module.html.
I am confused.
Bluetooth is not supported yet on iOS??
"https://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/47987.":https://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/47987But I just want to connect to linux system or some storage from my mobile app now.
No, as far as I am aware, it is not supported on iOS.
Should be there for "5.5":http://qt-project.org/wiki/New-Features-in-Qt-5.5
Is there a simple source code for the WiFi connection?
My boss has now asked me to connect a storage by WiFi from the iOS/Android app.
After the connection, I must upload file to the storage. This is another question for me. But It happens after the WiFi connection.
There's nothing particular you must do with Qt for the WiFi connection, just configure your device to access the network you need.
What is it for a network storage ? What protocol does it use ?
It is usb storage+wifi.
ref. "https://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/52955/":https://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/52955/
But we will layout one for ours.
BTW, I will try the WiFi.
QTcpSocket or Bearer Manager API etc?.....I am pretty much a newbie to Qt.
Does Qt REALLY support WiFi for ios and android ???
My Storage is WiFi direct.
Someone say Qt not support.
my storage's document: