Screen artefact - Qt embedded 4.7.4 on arm platform
I have a strange problem and I don't success to fix it.
I have two Qt screen program :
- first is launched as splash screen for wainting system start.
- second is user application. It close splash screen application by calling kill command (kill -s SIGTERM pid)
My problem is small black rectangle appears on screen with second application when console message are printed.
I don't have this problem when I use only one screen application. I have this problem when at least one qt screen application is closed.any idea to fix it ?
remark : I have to put 0 in /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/cursor_blink because a little black rectangle appears in continous. may be it is the same type of bug?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Out of curiosity, why did you split your application in two ?
You have a console active that uses your frame buffer so you would need to deactivate it in order to not have any cursor blinking.