What does libqevdevtouchplugin.so is used for?
I install Qt5 in Ubuntu 14.04 and find the libqevdevtouchplugin.so in plugins/generic,and when i run the examples based on mutil-touch, they can work. So I want to know what does libqevdevtouchplugin.so do specificly, thanks.
More information can be found in the README file in the source folder of the plugin.
I have seen that,but i can't understand the relation between the libqevdevtouchplugin.so and evdev_drv.so,and whether the libqevdevtouchplugin.so is similar to ginn?thanks.
evdev_drv.so is the library containing the actual code. The plugin is only loaded if needed
What is ginn ?
Ginn is a-- daemon with jinn-like wish-granting capabilities: it gives applications the ability to support a subset of multi-touch gestures without having to explicitly program to GEIS or multi-touch
Then no, it's not like that, you can implement your own gestures with QGestureRecognizer and QGesture