Problems with QtSensors on Android with Qt 5.3
Hi, to all. I have a problem with QAndroidPlatformIntegrationPlugin and AndroidSensorPlugin under Android. And i wonder if it problem in my code or this is a bug of Qt.
System: Ubuntu 14.04
Compiler: gcc 4.8
JAVA: java-6-openjdk-i386
Android sdk: adt-bundle-linux-x86-20130911
Android ndk: android-ndk-r9Problem:
When i run my application in emulator i see such rows in consoleW/Qt ( 852): gestures/qsensorgesturemanagerprivate.cpp:102 (void QSensorGestureManagerPrivate::initPlugin(QObject*)): Could not load QAndroidPlatformIntegrationPlugin(0x2a130798)
W/Qt ( 852): gestures/qsensorgesturemanagerprivate.cpp:102 (void QSensorGestureManagerPrivate::initPlugin(QObject*)): Could not load AndroidSensorPlugin(0x2a38af38)Code:
@import QtQuick 2.2
import QtSensors 5.3 as SensorsApplicationWindow {
Sensors.SensorGesture {
id: sensorGesture
enabled: true
gestures : ["QtSensors.shake"]
}Component.onCompleted: { errorDialog.text = sensorGesture.availableGestures.join(",") } } Component.onCompleted: { var types = Sensors.QmlSensors.sensorTypes(); console.log(types.join(", ")); }
But output for Sensors.QmlSensors.sensorTypes(); gives this ouput
QMagnetometer, QTiltSensor, QProximitySensor, QAccelerometer, QAmbientLightSensor, QOrientationSensor, QAmbientTemperatureSensor
And QtSensors.shake is not working. Tried on my Android device.
Please, if somebody knows something about this, give me advice. If need some more code, or some more debug output, ask and i will add it.
Just a wild guess but are you sure the sensors plugin are deployed with your application ?
Hmm, strange thing but on real device it worked. After several clean rebuilds. But on emulator it doesn't.
I haven't checked but does the emulator offer sensors input ?