[SOLVED] Opening Someone Elses Project
I'm currently looking at http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtcreator-2.4/creator-project-opening.html
"If you created the project by using another Qt Creator instance, Qt Creator asks whether you want to use the old settings."
I am not using the same instance of Qt creator and accidentally said yes. Now I can't get back that menu to hit no and change the proper settings to match my instance of Qt creator. How do I do this?
**Side note, why can't I Docmark that page? http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtcreator-2.4/creator-project-opening.html
Delete the *.pro.user file in the root directory of your project
For your side note: the doc is at doc.qt.digia.com, you can only docmark the content on qt-project.org