Qt SDK 1.1 beta released
"More info and download links":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/03/01/qt-sdk-1-1-beta-released/
[quote]Compared to the Technology Preview we have included a significant amount of updates, namely:
- Qt 4.7.2 for Symbian ^1 and Symbian ^3
- Qt 4.7.2 for the Desktop
- Qt 4.7.2 for the Qt Simulator
- Qt Mobility 1.1.1 for Symbian^1, Symbian^3 and the Qt Simulator
- Qt Creator 2.1 final
- Qt Simulator 1.1 beta
- Updates to the Symbian Complementary package, providing the toolchain and build tools for the Symbian platforms
For the Linux and Mac platforms we have also added the sis packages for Symbian, so that developers using the Remote Compiler can install Qt from their development host of choice as well. A full changelog is located in the installation package.[/quote]
Via "The Qt Labs Blog":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/03/01/qt-sdk-1-1-beta-released/