The EGL functionality test failed!
Hi all,
I'm trying to cross compile qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.1 with openGL es2 support.
Host:Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS
Target:ARM Cortex A8 (Freescale i.MX51 Processor)
Target Linux:linux-2.6.31.
Qt Version:4.6.1Steps i did are,
1.downloaded qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.1.tar.gz from "":
2.Copied mkspecs for arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabi-g++ and modified its qmake.conf as given - "": .
3.then configured as,
@./configure -arch arm -xplatform linux-g++-mx5x -release -prefix / -multimedia -qt-gfx-linuxfb -qt-kbd-tty -little-endian -host-little-endian -fontconfig -sm -opengl es2
@And now i got the problem it shows,
"The EGL functionality test failed!
EGL is required for OpenGL ES to manage contexts & surfaces.
You might need to modify the include and library search paths by editing
/home/elangovan/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.1/mkspecs/linux-g++-mx5x"but in qmake.conf it has,
@QMAKE_INCDIR_EGL = /usr/local/DigiEL-5.6/x-tools/arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabi/arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabi/sys-root/usr/include/EGL
QMAKE_LIBDIR_EGL = /usr/local/DigiEL-5.6/x-tools/arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabi/arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabi/sys-root/usr/libQMAKE_LIBS_EGL = -lEGL@
when i use -v switching in config it gives errors as in the file - "
": successfully compiled qt with opengl es2 support?
Is it really hard to compile qt with opengl es2 support?
Its because the eclipse IDE we are using is integrated with this version. So to maintain it I tried. But it can be any newer versions. Kindly let me know how to, if you succeed in it...