Idea: Connecting users
I'm not sure if this is what groups will bring. But one thing that could help connecting users and making community stronger would maybe be the ability to have some friend list in your profile. In addition to ignore list which is currently there. So one could be checking out some profile of a fellow developer and maybe see that she is from the same country or has same interests and by one click on a button in her profile she would be added to friend list (with her agreement of course). It would also be nice if it would be possible to search a list of all registered users by country/interests...
Thanks for sharing your ideas!
Parts of this will be coming with the groups. You will be able to search for people by country for example.
As for the friend list: we are still discussing the options and are not yet sure about it. I made it a task in our tracker. :-)
not only connecting individuals but connecting open source projects that could facilitate each other.