No QPressureSensor available on Galaxy Samsung S3
Dear Qt-Community,
I just downloaded Qt 5.1 for Windows and started to develop on my Samsung Galaxy S3. The Galaxy S3 is equipped with an ambient pressure sensor, this is why I tried to make use of the QPressureSensor class, but if I ask for all available sensor types by QSensor::sensorTypes() the following list is returned:
("QGyroscope", "QTiltSensor", "QLightSensor", "QAccelerometer", "QRotationSensor", "QMagnetometer", "QOrientationSensor", "QAmbientLightSensor")
Why is there no pressure sensor available, any ideas? Your help is highly appreciated!
AFAIK Android support is still a technical preview, not all parts of the system are fully implemented.
That seems to be the solution, I found a map at that shows the available interfaces. I hope this will be part of 5.2!