Save image from qml
Alek smierciak thank you. I tried an approach which is not working. here is the code
import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {
width: 640
height: 480
color: "white"Image { id: imgItem fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit source: "/home/bts-004/Desktop/test1.jpg" } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { canobj.loadImage("/home/bts-004/Desktop/test1.jpg")"/home/bts-004/Desktop/test_duplicate.jpg") } } Canvas{ id:canobj }
Is there any thing I have to add. -
bts-007, please read the documentation part for "Canvas::loadImage": carefully. It loads an image asynchronously, meaning that a signal will be emitted on completing - in this case, a Canvas::imageLoaded() signal with "Canvas::onImageLoaded()": signal handler.
You need to put the Canvas::save function call to the signal handler code part.
I have tried this but not saving
import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {
width: 640
height: 480
color: "white"Image { id: imgItem fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit source: "/home/bts-004/Desktop/test1.jpg" } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { canobj.loadImage("/home/bts-004/Desktop/test1.jpg") } } Canvas{ id:canobj onImageLoaded: save("/home/bts-004/Desktop/test_duplicate.jpg") }
Check if the onImageLoaded signal handler is actually called. Perhaps there is a problem with loading test1.jpg? Also, explain what do you mean by "not saving". Is the file created at all or not? Do you get any errors or warning in the Application output?
To check that I tried something like this
import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {
width: 640
height: 480
color: "white"Image { id: imgItem fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { imgItem.source= "/home/bts-004/Desktop/test1.jpg" canobj.loadImage("/home/bts-004/Desktop/test1.jpg") } } Canvas{ id:canobj onImageLoaded: save("/home/bts-004/Desktop/test_duplicate.jpg") }
@on clicking ,image was loaded on the screen. there is no action from canvas side. No errors and when I check the desktop there is no file (test_duplicate.jpg)
By saying "image was loaded on the screen", do you mean on the Image element or the Canvas element?
Please also change:
@ onImageLoaded: save("/home/bts-004/Desktop/test_duplicate.jpg")@
@ onImageLoaded: {
console.log("onImageLoaded was called")
if (save("/home/bts-004/Desktop/test_duplicate.jpg")) {
console.log("Canvas::save() executed")
}@and tell me do you get any console output out of that?
I have the same problem too, do we have to design a save able image type by ourselves?Inherit QQuickPaintedItem, draw the image by QPainter and save it when we need?
I will put the codes onto this website after I finish it(if it can work)
I try my best to write a saveAbleImageType, a naive implementation, still need to sharpen it.
#define SAVEABLEIMAGE3_HPP#include <QImage>
#include <QQuickPaintedItem>
#include <QString>class QPainter;
class QQuickItem;class saveAbleImage : public QQuickPaintedItem
Q_PROPERTY(QString source READ source WRITE setSource NOTIFY sourceChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool smooth READ smooth WRITE setSmooth NOTIFY smoothChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int height READ height WRITE setHeight NOTIFY heightChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int width READ width WRITE setWidth NOTIFY widthChanged)public:
saveAbleImage(QQuickItem *parent = 0);
saveAbleImage(saveAbleImage const&) = delete;
saveAbleImage& operator=(saveAbleImage const&) = delete;virtual void paint(QPainter *painter); //properties of READ int height() const; bool smooth() const; QString source() const; int width() const; //properties of READ //properties of WRITE void setHeight(int height); void setSource(QString const &source); void setSmooth(bool smooth); void setWidth(int width); //properties of WRITE
public slots:
void save(QString const &path) const;signals:
void heightChanged();void smoothChanged(); void sourceChanged(); void widthChanged();
int height_;QImage image_; QImage imageBuffer_; bool smooth_; QString source_; int width_;
#include "saveAbleImage3.hpp"#include <QPainter>
#include <QQuickItem>saveAbleImage::saveAbleImage(QQuickItem *parent) : QQuickPaintedItem(parent),
void saveAbleImage::paint(QPainter *painter)
qDebug() <<"paint : " <<width_ <<", "<<height_;
if(height_ != 0 && width_ != 0){
qDebug() <<"scale paint : " << width_<<", "<<height_;
imageBuffer_ = image_.scaled(QSize(width_, height_), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
qDebug() <<"scale size : " <<image_.width() <<", "<<image_.height();
imageBuffer_ = image_.scaled(QSize(width_, height_), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation);
qDebug() <<"scale size : " <<image_.width() <<", "<<image_.height();
painter->drawImage((width_ - imageBuffer_.width()) / 2, (height_ - imageBuffer_.height()) / 2, imageBuffer_);
painter->drawImage(0, 0, image_);
}int saveAbleImage::height() const
return height_;
}void saveAbleImage::save(QString const &path) const
qDebug()<< "save image";
qDebug()<<"save image : "<<;
qDebug()<<"save image : "<<;
}bool saveAbleImage::smooth() const
return smooth_;
}QString saveAbleImage::source() const
return source_;
}int saveAbleImage::width() const
return width_;
}void saveAbleImage::saveAbleImage::setHeight(int height)
qDebug() <<"height : "<< height;
if(height_ != height){
height_ = height;emit heightChanged(); }
void saveAbleImage::setSource(QString const &source)
qDebug() << "source = "<<source;
if(source_ != source){
source_ = source;image_.load(source_); update(); emit sourceChanged(); }
void saveAbleImage::setSmooth(bool smooth)
if(smooth_ != smooth){
smooth_ = smooth;emit smoothChanged(); }
void saveAbleImage::setWidth(int width)
qDebug() <<"width : "<< width;
if(width_ != width){
width_ = width;emit widthChanged(); }
@use it like this
id: buganchors.fill: parent source: "Pictures/1369996733291.jpg" height:root.height width: root.width MouseArea{ anchors.fill: bug onClicked: {"Pictures/saveTest.jpg") } } }
I wonder why the QtQuick Image do not provide a function for us to save the image?
I tried Canvas, can't work either
If you just need to load and save the image
here is a simple class for that.hpp
#include <QImage>
#include <QObject>class QQuickItem;
class QString;class imageSaver : public QObject
explicit imageSaver(QObject *parent = 0);
imageSaver(imageSaver const&) = delete;
imageSaver& operator=(imageSaver const&) = delete;public slots:
void load(QString const &path);
void loadAndSave(QString const &path);
void save(QString const &path) const;private:
QImage img_;
#include "imageSaver.hpp"imageSaver::imageSaver(QObject *parent) :
void imageSaver::load(QString const &path)
}void imageSaver::loadAndSave(QString const &path)
}void imageSaver::save(const QString &path) const
@if you need to take the result after postprocessing, take the screenshot
"take screenshot": these, we can keep on using the Image from qml2
no error handle, please refine it by yourself