How to turn off major portions of Qt?
This is somewhat of a followup to an earlier post but it's a bit more general.
I'm attempting to cross-compile Qt Everywhere 4.8.4 for an ARM system that has no GUI. I'm trying various things in ./configure and make to strip it down to eliminate WebKit and QtGUI but I'm not making much progress. The last attempt was./configure -embedded arm -xplatform linux-arm-gnueabi-g++ -prefix /mydir/QtTest -little-endian -no-opengl -no-mouse-linuxtp -no-kbd-linuxinput -no-gfx-linuxfb -no-webkit
followed by:
make sub-src
That craps out trying to build qmnghandler.cpp saying qcolor.h doesn't exist. So did I not turn off something? Any other suggestions?
You need to add -no-gui
Look at configure --help, you'll see all what you can disable
Hope it helps
That's a bit of a Catch-22 though. I'm attempting to cross-compile the libraries. So if I built qconfig, after running /configure and make, I'd be building qconfig for my ARM system. I guess I could build everything twice and just move the qconfig executable somewhere safe during the second pass. Kinda sucks that there isn't a make menuconfig method for doing this.
But I have managed to build the libraries and run a simple QTimer-based hello world on the ARM system.