[solved] Group overview looks strange
I'm using FF 3.6.13 on Windows 7. If I'm going to groups regional, the text is overlapping other text, that looks a bit strange:
!http://lh3.ggpht.com/_m1PNLlZctqY/TQxqmZPVF_I/AAAAAAAAACk/9RyYvU-jd3E/s800/groups_regional.jpg(Overlapping text in Groups > regional)!
The same happens for me in Opera 10.63, Chrome 8.0.552.224 and IE 8, some overlap more some less, but all are overlapping.
I check it on n8, all is ok.
Perhaps it's a problem that only occurs on windows, large screens, whatever, but on all my browsers, depending ofn the width of the windowst it looks more or less strange, because the X members is overlapping with the next title / image of the group below.
confirmed on Linux: Opera 11 and Konqueror 4.5.4 (15,4' screen, res: 1680x1050).
For me it's resolution independant
It works for me on IE 9 and Chrome 9 and Chrome 10 on Windows 7
Works for me on Firefox 3.6.13 and Chromiun 8 on Ubuntu 10.10 (1280x800 and 1680x1050)
Works for me firefox 3.6.13, winxp (1280x1024).
Guys, it will work correctly for most of us, but I think cases of incorrect work will be more useful for developers to solve this problem.
Does not work on Mac/Safari 5 on the page with the "regional groups":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/groups/category/regional. It does work on the "groups homepage":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/groups
[Edit: add, volker]
The regional groups renders just the same as in Gerolfs original screenshot. -
Ok, I have checked it again on the regional group page, and it renders as Gerolf presented above (in IE 9, FF 4 and Chorme 10 on Windows 7). Groups homepage works.
Looks like bug is because of fixed height of li element and more than in groups homepage description text rendered.
Here on my Mac using Chrome 8, the overlapping problem occurs.
The whole groups page could use some more work to be honest, the search buttons are too heavy and there is a white-space and rhythm problem. Also the headers don't match the content font-wise.
We're a bit light on resources before Christmas but might get a release out before the new year.
Shall we make a wish for christmas? Perhaps it wil be under our christmas tree :-))
[quote author="Gerolf Reinwardt" date="1292700289"]Shall we make a wish for christmas? Perhaps it wil be under our christmas tree :-))[/quote]
Yeah! Trolls always surprise us for good :D
Oh yes "they do":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/2602/ :-)
Hi, I created a bug report: "QTWEBSITE-145":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-145
This was fixed yesterday, the grid is more rigid now.
Thanks for reporting in good detail.
The same issue is (still) present in the groups list for individual users: "QTWEBSITE-176":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-176