Are you a Qt Ambassador or a Qt Superstar ?
We are looking for Qt Ambassadors or Qt Superstars with fantastic Qt Applications to port them over to our BlackBerry QNX Playbook and BB10 platforms.
What we need from you is:
· For you to be a member of the “Qt on BlackBerry and QNX” Group (if you are not, then become a member)
· Send a proposal of the application(s) you will / are considering porting or have ported
· Send us a link to where you will make your code available OR If you do not to make the code public then please provide us evidence that you are Developing using Qt :-)
You will be automatically entered into our weekly draw for a free playbook. Invited to our porting lab, obtain free technical help and support and training.
Please send the above information to me using the following "Form": and I look forward to discussing your applications with you :-)
Twitter: "@AshNazir": If you have already sent the information to me through the Qt-Project mail facility there is no need to duplicate it on the form.
Thanks -
Where would one send that proposal?
POST UPDATED. Please feel free to register your interest here, become a member and send information to me :-)
sent :)
nice :P
Sent you over tweeter if it's okay, if not can PM here -
I am a Qt Ambassador with a couple of N9 Qt apps and a couple of Symbian Qt apps. At least this one should be relatively easy to port, but I am not sure I'd want to open the code.
By requesting "Send us a link to where you will make your code available" do you mean that the apps being ported should have freely available source code only?
Just sent :)
count me in
Post updated:
We do not require you to provide us with your code or that your code is open source, we just need proof that you are Developing using Qt which is something that you can contact me directly offline about :-)
I am waiting to be approved at "Qt BlackBerry and QNX" group. Please approve me and I'll send you my proposition.
I want to port the Qt release of my open-source mobile application location2sms to BlackBerry. I have recently published Android port of location2sms to BlackBerry App Word for PlayBook but I am not satisfied of the quality and I prefer to support the Qt release for BlackBerry devices.
I've sent it thru message...
sent through mail, let me know if you did not received it
Thanks for the posts and sending through your proposals. Keep them coming !!!!
Hi, got a question, will Qt widget apps work good or only QML ? I've got some Qt widget apps published in OVI for symbian, but only one very simple QML app for N9. Any way I'm going to send my proposal.
Hey Ash, registering interest here as discussed off line
Hi John_god, Qt Widgets are supported and will work but not to the degree that Qt Quick or Cascades will. To what degree will only be realised by trying to be honest.
Slaine, Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay.
We have quite a few Application proposals but theres room for plenty more, So please don't be shy and get sending them to us :-)
Just sent my proposal! Thanks!
Proposal sent as well.
Best wishes to BB10!
Could you tell us when we can have more details about that?