STILL unable to deploy/run on Android
What version of Qt/ Qt6 are you using, QtActivity was deprecated and is no longer accessible in the later versions
@J-Hilk same error. (I didn't create a new project; instead I re-used the accelbubble example, but I deleted the Android build directory as well as the android directory in the project.) When I create the templates, I do get this error:
And, I'm not changing anything in AndroidManifest.xml, partly because I'd been told this editor was broken (though it may be fixed in Creator 14), and partly because I really don't understand what is supposed to go in here.
@mzimmers said in STILL unable to deploy/run on Android:
I'm not changing anything in AndroidManifest.xml,
and thats exactly the problem,
is referenced in the AndroidManifest, part of the <activity> tagThere's a reason why I suggested a clean new empty project .
Just tried a new project (used the accelbubble example again). When I create the templates, it inserts the problematic QML line:
<activity android:name="" android:configChanges="orientation|uiMode|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|layoutDirection|locale|fontScale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|navigation|mcc|mnc|density" android:label="-- %%INSERT_APP_NAME%% --" android:launchMode="singleTop" android:screenOrientation="unspecified" android:exported="true">
So, I'm back to the same problem.
I suppose it's too much to hope that I could just delete this line from the XML file...EDIT, yes, that line is necessary.
@mzimmers said in STILL unable to deploy/run on Android:
Just tried a new project (used the accelbubble example again)
my non native speaking brain finds this contradictory ^^
Maybe I'm confusing things as well, your accelbubble link seems more like a guide on how to setup a new empty project instead of one of the pre made examples you get from QtCreator!Anyway, what version of creator are you using ? IIRC the androidmanifest template is part of QtC and not necessarily of the QtLibrary used.
@mzimmers sounds about right.
And I have to apologise, I just created an android project with 14.0.2 and 6.8
The AndroidManifestFile still has the QtActivity reference. But it does compile fine for me despite that!
the android settings I'm using: