configure option for the ARM cross compile
Mobile and Embedded
I configure and make the qt4.8.5 for the arm cross compile.
But the "QtWidgets" include file is not created.So the compile error occurred, when I build the source code including the "QtWidgets"(#include <QtWidgets>) .
The configuration option for making the cross compiler is like the following.
./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-gnueabi-g++ -prefix /usr/local/qt4.8.5 -little-endian -opensource -static -host-little-endian -confirm-license -nomake demos -nomake examples
Which configuration option should I use to create the "QtWidgets" include file.
@Andy117 said in configure option for the ARM cross compile:
But the "QtWidgets" include file is not created
You also should consider doing out of source builds (not inside the source folder).