Camera not switching to active state in qt6 android
I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_OPEN for client no.ablecon.ablemobile API Level 2 User Id 0
I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client no.ablecon.ablemobile API Level 2 User Id 0
I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_OPENING for client no.ablecon.ablemobile API Level 2 User Id 0
D AbleCenter: isActive false
D AbleCenter: isAvailable true why the camera is not switching to active state -
You should give more information:
- Exact Qt version
- Exact Androïd version
- Device in use
@SGaist Qt Version: 6.5.3, Android version: 13, 14, Device: Samsung, Poco, the same code is working for iOS, Windows & particularly on android it's not working.
For your reference am giving the log here
I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client no.ablecon.ablemobile API Level 2 User Id 0
I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_OPENING for client no.ablecon.ablemobile API Level 2 User Id 0
I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_OPEN for client no.ablecon.ablemobile API Level 2 User Id 0The camera state is not switching to active why?
@iSolve_Tech Because Android requires permissions, you need to address the permission issue to access the camera. The problem I am currently trying to solve is the recording file saving issue.
@jack_study_qt Camera permission & Write external storage permission already there & am asking run time permission. The same code which is working for windows & iOS
@iSolve_Tech If you try setting it up on your phone, you'll notice it's not there; that part requires dynamic requests. Try setting it up directly on your phone without writing any code.
@iSolve_Tech I'll show you the permissions necessary for running on Android later
@iSolve_Tech <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="true"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> ui->setupUi(this);labDuration=new QLabel("录制时间: "); labDuration->setMinimumWidth(120); ui->statusBar->addWidget(labDuration); labFormatInfo=new QLabel("图片分辨率: "); labFormatInfo->setMinimumWidth(150); ui->statusBar->addWidget(labFormatInfo); labInfo=new QLabel("信息"); ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(labInfo);
//1. 发现摄像头
QCameraDevice defaultCameraDevice= QMediaDevices::defaultVideoInput();
if (defaultCameraDevice.isNull())
ui->actStartCamera->setEnabled(true);// disconnect(ui->comboCam_List); //解除与comboCam_List连接的所有槽函数
int index=0;
for(int i=0; i<QMediaDevices::videoInputs().size(); i++)
QCameraDevice device=QMediaDevices::videoInputs().at(i);
if ( == defaultCameraID)
}if (ui->comboCam_List->currentIndex() != index) ui->comboCam_List->setCurrentIndex(index);
// foreach(QCameraDevice device, QMediaDevices::videoInputs())
// {
// if (device.isDefault()) //是默认设备
// ui->comboCam_List->addItem(device.description()+"(默认)",QVariant::fromValue(device));
// else
// ui->comboCam_List->addItem(device.description(),QVariant::fromValue(device));
// }// ui->comboCam_List->addItem(cameraDevice.description());
// showCameraDeviceInfo(&cameraDevice);// ui->comboCam_List->addItem(cameraDevice.description());
//2. 创建抓取管理器session和各个设备
session = new QMediaCaptureSession(this); //抓取管理器
session->setVideoOutput(ui->videoPreview); //设置视频输出组件,用于视频预览
//2.1 创建QAudioInput对象,用用音频输入
QAudioInput *audioInput=new QAudioInput(this);
session->setAudioInput(audioInput); //设置音频输入设备//2.2 创建QCamera对象,用于控制摄像头
camera = new QCamera(this); //摄像头
camera->setCameraDevice(defaultCameraDevice); //
session->setCamera(camera); //为session设置摄像头
connect(camera, &QCamera::activeChanged,this, &MainWindow::do_camera_activeChanged);
this, &MainWindow::do_camera_changed);
do_camera_changed(ui->comboCam_List->currentIndex());//2.3 创建QImageCapture对象,用于拍照
imageCapture = new QImageCapture(this); //抓图器
session->setImageCapture(imageCapture); //为session设置抓图器
this, &MainWindow::do_image_readyForCapture);
connect(imageCapture, &QImageCapture::imageSaved,
this, &MainWindow::do_image_saved);soundEffect =new QSoundEffect(this); //用于播放音效,拍照时的快门声音 QString filename=":/sound/images/shutter.wav"; soundEffect->setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename));
//2.4 创建QMediaRecorder对象,用于录制视频
recorder = new QMediaRecorder(this); //创建recorder
session->setRecorder(recorder); //为session设置recorder
connect(recorder, &QMediaRecorder::durationChanged,
this, &MainWindow::do_recorder_duration);
connect(recorder, &QMediaRecorder::recorderStateChanged,
this, &MainWindow::do_recorder_stateChanged);
connect(recorder, &QMediaRecorder::errorOccurred,
this, &MainWindow::do_recorder_error);//3. 视频编码和文件格式,添加到录像设置的下拉列表框里,用于选择
QMediaFormat format;
foreach(QMediaFormat::VideoCodec codec, format.supportedVideoCodecs(QMediaFormat::Encode))
foreach(QMediaFormat::FileFormat fileFormat, format.supportedFileFormats(QMediaFormat::Encode))
QVariant::fromValue(fileFormat)); -
@iSolve_Tech The real challenge of your program is how to save video recordings on Android. Opening the camera is not an issue! I couldn't find any usable QT6 APIs for this purpose, so in the end, I had to resort to calling the native Android API to allow users to specify the destination and file name for saving!