Qhttp Post method Sample Require !
Well, I am not using QT to programm, but Netbeans which seems not to use the pro-file. Anyway,
@QT += network@ is already set in the pro file of the "Mapviewer"-example I am trying to compile.
Here are the paths netbeans analizes:
Analyzed system include paths:
/usr/include@For sure, I tried on QT too, but there seems to be a rather basic mistake in my Settings.When I try to compile, it says: Das "Programm konnte nicht gestartet werden. Möglicherweise stimmt der Pfad nicht oder die Berechtigungen sind sind ausreichend?"
But I think I should concentrate on the QHttp problem.
I just noticed Netbeans also doesn't find QNetworkAccessManager. So I added /usr/include/qt4/ and some of it's subdirectories to my include list. There also is QHttp. I will tell if I succeed compiling.
I did so, but it didn't help, as Netbeans couldn't find the binaries.
But I found the solution: Rightclick the project in Netbeans, choose Build->Qt and check the QtNetwork-Box. This is the analogon to writing @QT += network@ in Qt.
Now it compiles fine.Thank you for your help, it gave me the right idea.