I'm back with a GPU.. Qt Creator still not working
Might be useful to see what packages you have installed.
pacman -Q > installed.txt
@Tink That sounds like it may be productive, thank you.
@Mlibu it seems that we have to download the online installer from our qt account before installing it https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt-online-installation.html
@Ronel_qtmaster I have tried it with the installer, with Manjaro package manager and with Ubuntu package manager. If I use the installer it crashes as soon as I use the property pane in the designer screen. Through Manjaro package manager it doesn't crash but the designer 2D screen doesn't draw properly and is useless.
@Mlibu said in I'm back with a GPU.. Qt Creator still not working:
@Tink Thanks but that didn't work. Still doing the same thing.
Alright you started with no examples and no working default desktop kit, that has resolved itself after many retries right. So now all you have left is the qt.accessibility.atspi: Error in contacting registry: “org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected” “Not connected to D-Bus server” problem if that is indeed the cause of the qt designer malfunctioning.
Am i correct that you always tried with kde plasma? I would certainly also try with another lighter desktop environment like the one i'm using, xfce4.
pacman -Sy xfce4 startxfce4
Perhaps even remove plasma.
@Mlibu said in I'm back with a GPU.. Qt Creator still not working:
@Mlibu I switched to XFCE and the same thing happened. I couldn't uninstall plasma, there were many interdependent packages. So I am going to install fresh with XFCE and try it.
It's probably not going to make any difference but since it's a more minimal environment and there are no other ideas it's worth a try.
However it might be better to forget about qtcreator for now and download the standalone qt design studio community edition. Or did you already try that? https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/install-qt-design-studio.html
@Tink I was told that QT Design Studio was a commercial product and that it did not have all the same features of Qt Creator and not to use it for QtQuick development. I was told Qt Design Studio is more based on forms than applications. And indeed when I tried it, there were strange things happening. It insisted on creating qml files and ui.qml files but it wouldn't edit the qml files. I tried to find anything about comparing them on the Qt site but didn't find anything.
Yes, Design Studio is quite different/separate from Designer and/or Creator. And they should work.It seems to me this thread has been going on a long time without resolution. As I understand it, you cannot get it to work under Manjaro but others can.
I don't know your situation, but are you able/prepared to try a different distro, e.g. if you install them in a VM it doesn't take too long (compared to how long this topic has been running!).
It may not be your desired target, and it may only be used as a "test", but what about seeing if you can get it working under, say, Ubuntu like lots of other people?
If it works there, at least you know you are doign a setup correctly and it seems to be a Manjaro issue or to do with how you install under Manjaro.
If it does not work there, either that tells you it's something about how you are installing packages or it tells you there is some problem with your machine which differs from other people.
I have already tried Manjaro/KDE and Ubuntu/Gnome. Both with the package managers and with the unified installer.
I'm going to try Manjaro XFCE soon.
When I install with a package manager Qt Creator runs on the design screen but it doesn't work properly. I can't even move a rectangle on the screen after I drop it. When I install with the unified installer, the design screen crashes just after I start using it. This is in Ubuntu, Manjaro, and even windows.
@JonB OK that's totally fine. I understand that it may be me. But telling me that doesn't help me understand why this is happening. I have done around 10 fresh OS installs so far because people tell me I'm doing something wrong and then I install the packages they tell me to and it still doesn't work. I have googled on every error I get pretty much and there is just nothing.
As far as I can tell I'm meeting all the requirements for Qt Creator. I even bought a system with a GPU even though I don't need a gaming machine because I thought that was the problem but apparently Qt Creator doesn't need a GPU.
If I'm doing something wrong then it should be easy to explain what it is.
If t were that simple then someone would indeed have told you by now! We know it works for us, not why it doesn't for you. That's why I picked something like Ubuntu 20.04 + Qt 5.15 just to see whether that went through OK for you. And no, Creator does not need any GPU. -
@JonB Ok well that was going to be my next plan. And no I'm not going to believe it's me because there is literally nothing I could be doing differently. I have tried every combination.
The only other thing I can try is ask my kids to try installing it on their windows PCs. They are a lot newer. Now my only fear is that I'm going to need a brand new computer to do this in which case I'm going to have Windows anyway and linux is moot. I can't just blindly buy a system hoping it will work.
And if it was simple I would have figured it out myself.
@Mlibu said in I'm back with a GPU.. Qt Creator still not working:
@Tink I was told that QT Design Studio was a commercial product and that it did not have all the same features of Qt Creator and not to use it for QtQuick development. I was told Qt Design Studio is more based on forms than applications. And indeed when I tried it, there were strange things happening. It insisted on creating qml files and ui.qml files but it wouldn't edit the qml files. I tried to find anything about comparing them on the Qt site but didn't find anything.
From the link i gave you:
"Qt Design Studio is also available as a free community version."
And it depends on what your goal is.
"Qt Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Qt Widgets. For user interface design with Qt Quick, see Qt Design Studio." https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtdesigner-manual.html Note: You have the option of using Qt Quick and Qt Design Studio for user interface design rather than widgets. It is a much easier way to write many kinds of applications. It enables a completely customizable appearance, touch-reactive elements, and smooth animated transitions, taking advantage of hardware acceleration.
If you want to focus on Qt Quick, design studio might be perfect. At any rate it might let you actually do something instead of troubleshooting a problem that might resolve itself in a new version of qt / creator.