Please Help
I am attempting to create a basic shopping cart package for my university course and have used the following code:
import sys
import ospip install PySide2
from PySide2 import QtGui, QtWidgets, QtCore
from PySide2.QtCore import *
from PySide2.QtWidgets import *
from PySide2.QtUiTools import *cartItems = []
cartAnnualTotal = 8250.00
IntAnnualPrices = {'Art Intervention': 200.00,'Behaviour Intervention': 187.50,'Collaborative Problem Solving': 104.00,'Learning Mentor': 13.00,'Self Regulation': 1040.00,'1 to 1 Tuition': 360.00,'Outdoor Learning': 216.00,'Parental Engagement': 350.00,'Phonics': 120.00,'Reading Comprehension': 120.00,'Reduced Class Sizes': 0.00,'Social and Emotional Learning': 1040.00,'Summer School': 120.00,'Teaching Assistant Intervention': 2200.00,'Youth Drugs and Alcohol YDAP': 2160.00,'Youth Offending Services': 2160.00,'Educational Psychologist': 5400.00,'Education 5 Attendance Support': 225.00,'Early Help Worker': 1968.33,'Family Liason Officer': 350.00,'Century Online Learning Platform': 400.00,'Lexonic Literacy Support': 62.50,'Chances Football Coaching': 360.00,'Cahms Support': 420.00,'CYPS': 420.00,'EHCP Application': 5500.00,'Exam Access Arrangement Testing': 60.00,'Anger Management': 13.00}
IntTermPrices = {'Art Intervention': 66.67,'Behaviour Intervention': 62.50,'Collaborative Problem Solving': 34.67,'Learning Mentor': 4.33,'Self Regulation': 346.67,'1 to 1 Tuition': 120.00,'Outdoor Learning': 72.00,'Parental Engagement': 116.67,'Phonics': 40.00,'Reading Comprehension': 40.00,'Reduced Class Sizes': 0.00,'Social and Emotional Learning': 346.67,'Summer School': 40.00,'Teaching Assistant Intervention': 733.33,'Youth Drugs and Alcohol YDAP': 720.00,'Youth Offending Services': 720.00,'Educational Psychologist': 1800.00,'Education 5 Attendance Support': 75.00,'Early Help Worker': 656.11,'Family Liason Officer': 116.67,'Century Online Learning Platform': 133.33,'Lexonic Literacy Support': 20.83,'Chances Football Coaching': 120.00,'Cahms Support': 140.00,'CYPS': 140.00,'EHCP Application': 1800.00,'Exam Access Arrangement Testing': 20.00,'Anger Management': 4.33}
class Form(QObject):
def init(self, ui_file, parent = None):
super(Form, self).init(parent)#Load UI File ui_file = QFile(ui_file) loader = QUiLoader() self.window = loader.load(ui_file) ui_file.close() #Initialise User Interface Items cmbInterventionsList = self.window.findChild(QComboBox, 'cmbInterventionsList') btnAdd = self.window.findChild(QPushButton, 'btnAdd') cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Art Intervention") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Behaviour Intervention") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Collaborative Problem Solving") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Learning Mentor") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Self Regulation") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("1 to 1 Tuition") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Outdoor Learning") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Parental Engagement") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Phonics") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Reading Comprehension") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Reduced Class Sizes") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Social and Emotional Learning") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Summer School") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Teaching Assistant Intervention") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Youth Drugs and Alcohol YDAP") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Youth Offending Services") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Educational Psychologist") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Education 5 Attendance Support") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Early Help Worker") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Family Liason Officer") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Century Online Learning Platform") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Lexonic Literacy Support") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Chances Football Coaching") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Cahms Support") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("CYPS") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("EHCP Application") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Exam Access Arrangement Testing") cmbInterventionsList.addItem("Anger Management") #Make Click on Button btnAdd.clicked.connect(self.updateInt)
def addIntervention(self, itemName):
# Add the current item in combo box to a list and list view
cmbInterventionsList = self.window.findChild(QComboBox, 'cmbInterventionsList')
lstViewInterventions = self.window.findChild(QListWidget, 'lstViewInterventions')lstViewInterntions.addItem(cmbInterventionsList.currentText) cartItems.append(itemName)
def updateInt(self):
global cartItems, cartAnnualTotal, IntAnnualPricescmbInterventionsList = self.window.findChild(QComboBox, 'cmbInterventionsList') lblSummary = self.window.findChild(QLabel, 'lblSummary') lblTotal = self.window.findChild(QLabel, 'lblTotal') #Add Button Click self.addIntervention(cmbInterventionsList.currentText()) #Update Cart Summary cartSummary = dict((item, cartItems.count(item)) for item in cartItems) lblSummary.setText(str(cartSummary)) #Loop Through All Items in Cart, Select Prices and Add to Total for item in cartItems: itemPrice = IntAnnualPrices.get(item, 0) cartAnnualTotal += itemPrice lblTotal.setText(str(cartAnnualTotal)) cartAnnualTotal = 0
if name == 'main':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)# Load UI form = Form('CM.ui') sys.exit(app.exec_())
however the section of code that stats if name
crashes in google collab and restarts the Kernel
Can anyone help me fix this issue and or explain this?
much appreciated
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Google colab ? I am currently not sure you can run a Qt application as the one you build in that environment.
The crash logs shows the usual error with regard to the xcb plugin that is not loading which I can understand since there's no X server involved in Google Colab.
Since you are using Google Collab, shouldn't you rather use ipywidgets ?
On a side note, please use coding tags when posting code to make it readable.
The most simple would be to do that on your own machine using a virtual environment. You can use either conda or pip's virtualenv. You also might want to move to PySide6.