Having issues with two identical implementations of keyPressEvent
We are making an internal configuration tool using PyQt5 5.15.4.
Development is done on Windows 10.I have two custom windows that can be shown in my app.
I want to map control+w to close the windows.
In both window widgets, I re-implemented the keyPressEvent function.Here is my implementation for both.
def keyPressEvent(self, event): print('StickerPrintingWindow keyPressEvent') if event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: print(event.key()) if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_W: self.close() return if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_M: self.showMinimized() return super(StickerPrintingWindow, self).keyPressEvent(event)
def keyPressEvent(self, event): print('SoftwareTestingWindow keyPressEvent') if event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: print(event.key()) if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_W: self.close() return if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_M: self.showMinimized() return super(SoftwareTestingWindow, self).keyPressEvent(event)
From what I can tell, both these implementations are identical (other than the class name)
For some reason, the StickerPrintingWindow works correctly and the SoftwareTestingWindow does not.When I hit control + w on the StickerPrintingWindow , I get the following prints:
StickerPrintingWindow keyPressEvent
StickerPrintingWindow keyPressEvent
Where 16777249 is the control key and 87 is the W key.When I hit control + w on the SoftwareTestingWindow, I get the following prints:
SoftwareSettingsWindow keyPressEvent
It is as if the event doesn't fire the second time correctly when hitting the W key.Any ideas on what could cause this?
If needed I can also post a working sample application with both windows.Thanks in advance!
FV -
What do you use that is different between both widgets ?
Maybe something different having keyboard focus ?
Hi @SGaist,
I am really not sure, from what I can tell, the usage is identical.
Both windows are based on QMainWindow.If it was something about keyboard focus, wouldn't the problematic window catch nothing at all?
From what I can tell, the SoftwareSettingsWindow is unable to receive key combinations since it is able to detect me pressing the control key.The libraries called are the same, the init is the same.
I do not think this issue is related to my PC since we tried it on some other computers and the problem was still present.Regards,
FV -
While it's not forbidden it's pretty unusual to have several QMainWindow based widgets in an application. Is there any reason for that ?
How are you showing SoftwareSettingsWindow ?
On a side note, did you consider using a QAction for that purpose ?
Hi @SGaist,
I use the QMainWindow since I like to have an independent status bar for my sub-windows.
This could very well not be the correct approach.I use a QAction for showing the window, yes.
I invoke the "show" function. It was modified slightly to fit our needs.def show(self): """ Override the show method to allow for the window to be centered on the main window """ self.main.windowSwitcher.addWindow(self) geo = self.frameGeometry() geo.moveCenter(self.main.geometry().center()) geo.moveTop(self.main.geometry().top()) self.move(geo.topLeft()) super().show()
I got the go ahead from my boss to put some more time into this.
I will write an example app that has the issue and I'll link it here.I will make sure to tag you when this is done, thanks in advance for the help!
I meant: did you consider using a QAction for calling close ?
By the way, you can use
for that action. -
Hi @SGaist,
I'll try using the built in QAction for that.
This was used as an example but we have more custom key combinations we would like to enable which would still require this to be working correctly.What I find strange is that I have around 10 additional windows that can be shown, this issue is only present on 4 of them. From what I can tell, there is no difference in how the classes are written, shown, etc.
@fvez_demtroys that's strange indeed. Rather than re-implementing the keyPressEvent on all your widgets, did you consider using an eventFilter ? That way you would have a central handler and it might also be easier to find out why these 4 widgets are doing something non standard.
Hi @SGaist,
I did try using an eventFilter when I started working on these features. This was the best/cleanest approach to get the different key combinations for each individual windows.
We have a large quantity of custom keyboard shortcuts since the app is quite big, when we had a general eventFilter, it became too big and was a hassle to edit and use. There were way too many different conditions.
I do not think I can upload a zip file containing the code to run my example so I will post them as code snippets here.
There is a main file, a UI file, a MenuBar file, a DataConverterWindow file, and a StickerPrintingWindow file.
The ctrl + w and ctrl + m shortcuts work with the StickerPrintingWindow but do not work with the DataConverterWindow.
To show the windows, click on the corresponding tools menu action.
import getopt import os import platform import sys from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5.QtCore import QSettings, QProcess from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from UI import Ui_mainWindow class App(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(App, self).__init__() self.osName = platform.system() self.settings = QSettings('Demtroys', 'Test App') self.mainWindow = Ui_mainWindow(self) self.initMainWindow() self.initKeyPressEventHandlers() self.initSettings() def initMainWindow(self): self.mainWindow.setupUI(self) self.setWindowTitle('Demtroys Test App for Sharing Purposes') # mainWindow settings self.blockSignals(True) self.mainWindow.setSettings(self.settings) self.blockSignals(False) def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Q: if self.osName == 'Windows': self.close() app.quit() return if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_W: self.close() return if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_M: self.showMinimized() return super(App, self).keyPressEvent(event) def initSettings(self, settings=None): """ Initialize the settings of the application on startup or on import On OSX this file is located in /Users/fvez/Library/Preferences/com.demtroys.Device Configurator.plist On Windows this file is located in """ if settings is None and self.settings is None: self.settings = QSettings('Demtroys', 'Test App') elif settings is not None: self.settings = settings try: self.blockSignals(True) # Set settings # mainWindow settings are set in initMainWindow self.blockSignals(False) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) pass def getSettings(self, settings=None): """ Get the settings of the application on shutdown or on export """ if settings is None and self.settings is None: self.settings = QSettings('Demtroys', 'Test App') elif settings is not None: self.settings = settings # mainWindow settings self.mainWindow.getSettings(self.settings) def closeEvent(self, event): """ Called when the application is closed Gets the settings Closes any open processes and the logger Close the application :param event: The close event """ # Get settings self.getSettings() super(App, self).closeEvent(event) if self.osName == 'Windows' and event.spontaneous(): app.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": arguments = list(sys.argv) production = True if len(arguments) > 1: opts, args = getopt.getopt(arguments[1:], 'd', ['debug']) for opt in opts: if opt[0] in ('-d', '--debug'): production = False app = QApplication(sys.argv) # app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = App() # apply_stylesheet(app, theme='dark_teal.xml') sys.exit(app.exec_())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from Scripts.TestApp.DataConverterWindow import DataConverterWindow from Scripts.TestApp.MenuBar import MenuBar from Scripts.TestApp.StickerPrintingWindow import StickerPrintingWindow class Ui_mainWindow(QMainWindow): """ The main window class for the application """ def __init__(self, main): super(Ui_mainWindow, self).__init__() self.main = main self.osName = self.main.osName def setupUI(self, mainWindow): """ Setup the UI for the main window :param mainWindow: The main window object """ if not mainWindow.objectName(): mainWindow.setObjectName(u'mainWindow') self.initCentral(mainWindow) self.initTabWidget() self.initAdditionalWindows() self.initMenuBar(mainWindow) self.initStatusBar(mainWindow) mainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralWidget) self.retranslateUi(mainWindow) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(mainWindow) def initCentral(self, mainWindow): """ Init the central widget for the main window :param mainWindow: The main window object """ self.centralWidget = QWidget(mainWindow) self.centralWidget.setObjectName(u'centralWidget') self.baseGridLayout = QGridLayout(self.centralWidget) self.baseGridLayout.setObjectName(u'baseGridLayout') def initTabWidget(self): """ Init the tab widget for the main window """ self.tabWidget = QTabWidget(self.centralWidget) self.tabWidget.setObjectName(u'tabWidget') self.tabWidget.setAutoFillBackground(False) self.tabWidget.setTabPosition(QTabWidget.North) self.tabWidget.setTabShape(QTabWidget.Rounded) self.tabWidget.setMovable(False) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) self.baseGridLayout.addWidget(self.tabWidget, 0, 0, 1, 1) def initAdditionalWindows(self): """ Init the additional windows """ self.dataConverterWindow = DataConverterWindow(self.main, self) self.stickerPrintingWindow = StickerPrintingWindow(self.main, self) def initMenuBar(self, mainWindow): """ Init the menu bar :param mainWindow: The main window object """ self.menuBar = MenuBar(main=self.main, mainWindow=self, parent=mainWindow) self.menuBar.setObjectName(u'menuBar') def initStatusBar(self, mainWindow): """ Init the status bar :param mainWindow: The main window object """ self.statusBar = QStatusBar(mainWindow) self.statusBar.setObjectName(u'statusbar') mainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusBar) def getSettings(self, settings): """ Get the settings on shutdown or on export :param settings: The settings object """ # mainWindow settings settings.beginGroup('mainWindow') settings.setValue('isMaximized', self.main.isMaximized()) settings.setValue('isFullScreen', self.main.isFullScreen()) if self.main.isMaximized() or self.main.isFullScreen(): settings.setValue('windowPosition', QPoint(self.main.normalGeometry().x(), self.main.normalGeometry().y())) settings.setValue('windowSize', self.main.normalGeometry().size()) else: settings.setValue('windowPosition', self.main.pos()) settings.setValue('windowSize', self.main.size()) settings.endGroup() # StickerPrintingWindow settings self.stickerPrintingWindow.getSettings(settings) def setSettings(self, settings): """ Set the settings on startup or on import :param settings: The settings object """ # mainWindow settings # .plist : QPoint | .ini : QPoint if settings.value('mainWindow/windowPosition') is not None: self.main.move(settings.value('mainWindow/windowPosition')) else: self.main.move(QPoint(0, 0)) # .plist : QSize | .ini : QSize if settings.value('mainWindow/windowSize') is not None: self.main.resize(settings.value('mainWindow/windowSize')) else: self.main.resize(QSize(1200, 800)) showNormalWindow = True if settings.value('mainWindow/isMaximized') is not None: if settings.value('mainWindow/isMaximized') == 'true': self.main.showMaximized() showNormalWindow = False if settings.value('mainWindow/isFullScreen') is not None: if settings.value('mainWindow/isFullScreen') == 'true': self.main.showFullScreen() showNormalWindow = False if showNormalWindow: self.main.showNormal() # StickerPrintingWindow settings self.stickerPrintingWindow.setSettings(settings)
from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5.QtCore import QRect, QCoreApplication from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QMenuBar, QMenu, QWidget class MenuBar(QMenuBar): """ The MenuBar class for the main window """ def __init__(self, main, mainWindow, parent): super().__init__() self.main = main self.mainWindow = mainWindow self.parent = parent # self.initMenuActions(parent) self.initMenuBar(parent) self.initConnections() def initConnections(self): """ Init connections for the QMenuBar """ # Actions self.action_stickerPrintingWindow.triggered.connect(self.mainWindow.stickerPrintingWindow.show) self.action_dataConverterWindow.triggered.connect(self.mainWindow.dataConverterWindow.show) def initMenuBar(self, mainWindow): """ Initialize the menu bar :param mainWindow: The main window """ mainWindow.setMenuBar(self) self.initMenusAndActions() def initMenusAndActions(self): """ Initialize the menus and actions """ # Menu Actions self.menuTools = self.addMenu('Tools') # Tools Menu Actions self.action_stickerPrintingWindow = self.menuTools.addAction('Sticker Printing') self.action_stickerPrintingWindow.setCheckable(False) self.action_dataConverterWindow = self.menuTools.addAction('Data Converter') self.action_dataConverterWindow.setCheckable(False)
import copy from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QTimer, QCoreApplication, pyqtSignal from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGridLayout, QStatusBar, QMainWindow, QGroupBox, QPushButton, QVBoxLayout, \ QComboBox, QSpinBox, QLineEdit class DataConverterWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, main, mainWindow): super().__init__() self.setFixedSize(440, 125) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) # Discuss if this is what we want self.setWindowTitle('Data Converter') self.main = main self.mainWindow = mainWindow self.initUI() self.initStatusBar() self.setCentralWidget(self.groupBox_dataConverter) def initConnections(self): """ Initialize the connections """ self.pushButton_convert.clicked.connect(self.convert) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ Override the keyPressEvent method to allow for the window to be closed with Ctrl+W and minimized with Ctrl+M Also links the Enter key to the convert button :param event: The key press event """ print('DataConverterWindow keyPressEvent') if event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: print(event.key()) if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_W: self.close() return if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_M: self.showMinimized() return elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Return: self.pushButton_convert.animateClick() super(DataConverterWindow, self).keyPressEvent(event) def setVisible(self, visible: bool): """ Override the setVisible method to allow for the window to be centered on the main window :param visible: Whether the window should be visible or not """ if visible: geo = self.frameGeometry() geo.moveCenter(self.main.geometry().center()) geo.moveTop(self.main.geometry().top()) self.move(geo.topLeft()) super().setVisible(visible) def show(self): """ Override the show method to allow for the window to be centered on the main window """ geo = self.frameGeometry() geo.moveCenter(self.main.geometry().center()) geo.moveTop(self.main.geometry().top()) self.move(geo.topLeft()) super().show() def hide(self): """ Hide the window """ super().hide() def initStatusBar(self): """ Initialize the status bar """ self.statusBar_dataConverterWindow = QStatusBar(self) self.statusBar_dataConverterWindow.setObjectName(u'statusBar_dataConverterWindow') self.setStatusBar(self.statusBar_dataConverterWindow) def initUI(self): """ Initialize the UI """ self.groupBox_dataConverter = QGroupBox(self) self.groupBox_dataConverter.setObjectName(u'groupBox_dataConverter') self.groupBox_dataConverter.setFlat(True) self.gridLayout_dataConverter = QGridLayout() self.gridLayout_dataConverter.setObjectName(u'gridLayout_dataConverter') self.gridLayout_dataConverter.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) self.gridLayout_dataConverter.setSpacing(0) self.comboBox = QComboBox(self.groupBox_dataConverter) self.comboBox.setObjectName(u'comboBox') self.comboBox.addItems(['placeholder1', 'placeholder2', 'placeholder3', 'placeholder4', 'placeholder5']) self.gridLayout_dataConverter.addWidget(self.comboBox, 0, 0, 1, 2) self.spinBox = QSpinBox(self.groupBox_dataConverter) self.spinBox.setObjectName(u'spinBox') self.spinBox.setMinimum(1) self.spinBox.setMaximum(64) self.gridLayout_dataConverter.addWidget(self.spinBox, 0, 2, 1, 2) self.lineEdit = QLineEdit(self.groupBox_dataConverter) self.lineEdit.setObjectName(u'lineEdit') self.lineEdit.setPlaceholderText('LineEdit') self.gridLayout_dataConverter.addWidget(self.lineEdit, 0, 4, 1, 2) self.pushButton_convert = QPushButton(self.groupBox_dataConverter) self.pushButton_convert.setDefault(True) self.pushButton_convert.setObjectName(u'pushButton_convert') self.pushButton_convert.setText('Convert') self.gridLayout_dataConverter.addWidget(self.pushButton_convert, 1, 5, 1, 1) self.groupBox_dataConverter.setLayout(self.gridLayout_dataConverter) def convert(self): """ Convert """ pass def retranslate(self): """ Translate the window """ pass def getSettings(self, settings): """ Get the settings on shutdown or on export :param settings: The settings object """ settings.beginGroup('dataConverterWindow') settings.endGroup() def setSettings(self, settings): """ Set the settings on startup or on import :param settings: The settings object """ pass
import platform from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore from PyQt5.QtGui import QRegExpValidator from PyQt5.QtCore import QRegExp, QCoreApplication, Qt, pyqtSignal from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGridLayout, QStatusBar, QMainWindow, QGroupBox, QPushButton, QLineEdit, QComboBox, QVBoxLayout, QSpinBox, QSizePolicy, \ QDateTimeEdit, QFrame, QScrollArea, QHBoxLayout, QWidget, QSpacerItem class StickerPrintingWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, main, mainWindow): super().__init__() self.setFixedWidth(525) self.setMinimumHeight(150) self.main = main self.mainWindow = mainWindow self.initUI() self.initStatusBar() self.setCentralWidget(self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ Override the keyPressEvent method to allow for the window to be closed with Ctrl+W and minimized with Ctrl+M Also links the Enter key to the print button :param event: The key press event """ print('StickerPrintingWindow keyPressEvent') if event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: print(event.key()) if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_W: self.close() return if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_M: self.showMinimized() return elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Return: self.pushButton_print.animateClick() super(StickerPrintingWindow, self).keyPressEvent(event) def setVisible(self, visible: bool): """ Override the setVisible method to allow for the window to be centered on the main window :param visible: Indicates whether the window should be visible or not """ if visible: geo = self.frameGeometry() geo.moveCenter(self.main.geometry().center()) geo.moveTop(self.main.geometry().top()) self.move(geo.topLeft()) self.hideAllStickerPrintingConfigWidgets() super().setVisible(visible) def show(self): """ Override the show method to allow for the window to be centered on the main window :return: """ geo = self.frameGeometry() geo.moveCenter(self.main.geometry().center()) geo.moveTop(self.main.geometry().top()) self.move(geo.topLeft()) self.hideAllStickerPrintingConfigWidgets() super().show() def hide(self): """ Hide the window """ super().hide() def initConnections(self): """ Init connections for the QMainWindow """ self.pushButton_print.clicked.connect(self.print) for i in range(0, 15): self.StickerPrintingConfigWidgets[i].initConnections() def initStatusBar(self): """ Init the status bar for the window """ self.statusBar_renameSerialPortWindow = QStatusBar(self) self.statusBar_renameSerialPortWindow.setObjectName(u'statusBar_renameSerialPortWindow') self.setStatusBar(self.statusBar_renameSerialPortWindow) def initUI(self): """ Init the UI """ self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs = QGroupBox(self) self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs.setObjectName(u'groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs') self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs) self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs.setObjectName(u'gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs') self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs.setSpacing(0) self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.initStickerGroupsScrollArea() self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs.addWidget(self.scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig, 0, 0, 1, 6) self.pushButton_addStickerPrintingConfigWidget = QPushButton(self) self.pushButton_addStickerPrintingConfigWidget.setObjectName(u'pushButton_addStickerPrintingConfigWidget') self.pushButton_addStickerPrintingConfigWidget.setText('+') self.pushButton_addStickerPrintingConfigWidget.pressed.connect(self.addStickerPrintingConfigWidget) self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs.addWidget(self.pushButton_addStickerPrintingConfigWidget, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.pushButton_removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget = QPushButton(self) self.pushButton_removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget.setObjectName(u'pushButton_removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget') self.pushButton_removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget.setText('-') self.pushButton_removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget.pressed.connect(self.removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget) self.pushButton_removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget.setEnabled(False) self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs.addWidget(self.pushButton_removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget, 2, 1, 1, 1) self.pushButton_print = QPushButton(self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs) self.pushButton_print.setObjectName(u'pushButton_print') self.pushButton_print.setDefault(True) self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfigs.addWidget(self.pushButton_print, 2, 5, 1, 1) def initStickerGroupsScrollArea(self): """ Initializes the Sticker Groups scroll area """ self.scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig = QScrollArea() self.scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.setObjectName(u'scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig') self.scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.setWidgetResizable(True) self.scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) # self.scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.setStyleSheet('QScrollArea {background: transparent;}') self.scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.setFrameShape(QFrame.NoFrame) self.groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig = QGroupBox() self.groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.setObjectName(u'groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig') self.verticalLayout_groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig = QVBoxLayout() self.verticalLayout_groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.\ setObjectName(u'verticalLayout_groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig') margins = self.verticalLayout_groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.getContentsMargins() self.verticalLayout_groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.setContentsMargins(margins[0], 0, margins[2], 0) self.verticalLayout_groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.setSpacing(5) self.StickerPrintingConfigWidgets = [] for i in range(0, 16): self.StickerPrintingConfigWidget = StickerPrintingConfigWidget(self, self.verticalLayout_groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig) self.StickerPrintingConfigWidgets.append(self.StickerPrintingConfigWidget) self.hideAllStickerPrintingConfigWidgets() self.verticalSpacer_groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig = QSpacerItem(0, 100, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.verticalLayout_groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.\ addSpacerItem(self.verticalSpacer_groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig) self.groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.setLayout(self.verticalLayout_groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig) self.scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig.setWidget(self.groupBox_scrollArea_StickerPrintingConfig) def addStickerPrintingConfigWidget(self): """ Adds a CSA sticker printing config widget to the window """ if self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets < 16: self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets = self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets + 1 for i in range(0, self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets): self.StickerPrintingConfigWidgets[i].show() if self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets == 16: self.pushButton_addStickerPrintingConfigWidget.setEnabled(False) if not self.pushButton_removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget.isEnabled(): self.pushButton_removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget.setEnabled(True) def removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget(self): """ Removes a CSA sticker printing config widget from the window """ if self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets > 1: self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets = self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets - 1 self.StickerPrintingConfigWidgets[self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets].clear() self.StickerPrintingConfigWidgets[self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets].hide() if self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets == 1: self.pushButton_removeStickerPrintingConfigWidget.setEnabled(False) if not self.pushButton_addStickerPrintingConfigWidget.isEnabled(): self.pushButton_addStickerPrintingConfigWidget.setEnabled(True) def hideAllStickerPrintingConfigWidgets(self): """ Hides all CSA sticker printing config widgets """ self.activeStickerPrintingConfigWidgets = 1 for i in range(1, 16): self.StickerPrintingConfigWidgets[i].hide() def clearAllStickerFields(self): """ Clears all CSA sticker printing config widgets """ for i in range(0, 16): self.StickerPrintingConfigWidgets[i].clear() def retranslate(self): """ Retranslate the window """ pass def getSettings(self, settings): """ This function is used to get the settings on shutdown or on export :param settings: The settings object """ settings.beginGroup('StickerPrintingWindow') settings.setValue('windowSize', self.size()) settings.setValue('windowPosition', self.pos()) settings.endGroup() # StickerPrintingWindow def setSettings(self, settings): """ This function is used to set the settings on startup or on import :param settings: The settings object """ # StickerPrintingWindow settings # .plist : QSize | .ini : QSize if settings.value('StickerPrintingWindow/windowSize') is not None: self.resize(settings.value('StickerPrintingWindow/windowSize')) # .plist : QPoint | .ini : QPoint if settings.value('StickerPrintingWindow/windowPosition') is not None: self.move(settings.value('StickerPrintingWindow/windowPosition')) class StickerPrintingConfigWidget(QWidget): """ Individual CSA sticker printing configuration widget This is repeated as many times as needed in the CSA sticker printing configuration window (max 16) """ def __init__(self, parent=None, layout=None): super(QWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.StickerPrintingConfig = parent self.layout = layout self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig = QGroupBox(self) self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig.setObjectName(u'groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig') self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig) self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig = QGridLayout(self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig) self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig.setObjectName(u'gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig') self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig.setSpacing(0) self.comboBox1 = QComboBox(self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig) self.comboBox1.setObjectName(u'comboBox1') self.comboBox1.addItems(['placeholder1', 'placeholder2', 'placeholder3', 'placeholder4', 'placeholder5']) self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig.addWidget(self.comboBox1, 0, 0, 1, 2) self.spinBox1 = QSpinBox(self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig) self.spinBox1.setObjectName(u'spinBox1') self.spinBox1.setMinimum(1) self.spinBox1.setMaximum(9999) self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig.addWidget(self.spinBox1, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.comboBox2 = QComboBox(self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig) self.comboBox2.setObjectName(u'comboBox2') self.comboBox2.addItems(['placeholder1', 'placeholder2', 'placeholder3', 'placeholder4', 'placeholder5']) self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig.addWidget(self.comboBox2, 1, 1, 1, 1) self.lineEdit1 = QLineEdit(self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig) self.lineEdit1.setObjectName(u'lineEdit1') self.lineEdit1.setPlaceholderText('LineEdit') self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig.addWidget(self.lineEdit1, 0, 2, 1, 2) self.lineEdit2 = QLineEdit(self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig) self.lineEdit2.setObjectName(u'lineEdit2') self.lineEdit2.setPlaceholderText('LineEdit') self.gridLayout_groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig.addWidget(self.lineEdit2, 1, 2, 1, 2) def initConnections(self): """ Initialize connections """ pass def clear(self): """ Clear all fields """ self.comboBox1.setCurrentIndex(0) self.spinBox1.setValue(1) self.lineEdit1.clear() self.lineEdit2.clear() def hide(self): """ Hide the QWidget """ self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig.hide() super().hide() def show(self): """ Show the QWidget """ self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig.show() super().show() def isVisible(self): """ Check if the QWidget is visible :return: True if visible, False otherwise """ return self.groupBox_StickerPrintingConfig.isVisible()
I hope this will help you understand what the issue is, we really aren't sure why this isn't working as intended...
Best Regards,FV
I introduced a last minute error before pasting the code here, sorry about that.
Here are the main.py and UI.py files again with the fix.
import getopt import os import platform import sys from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5.QtCore import QSettings, QProcess from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from UI import Ui_mainWindow class App(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(App, self).__init__() self.osName = platform.system() self.settings = QSettings('Demtroys', 'Test App') self.mainWindow = Ui_mainWindow(self) self.initMainWindow() self.initSettings() def initMainWindow(self): self.mainWindow.setupUI(self) self.setWindowTitle('Demtroys Test App for Sharing Purposes') # mainWindow settings self.blockSignals(True) self.mainWindow.setSettings(self.settings) self.blockSignals(False) def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Q: if self.osName == 'Windows': self.close() app.quit() return if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_W: self.close() return if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_M: self.showMinimized() return super(App, self).keyPressEvent(event) def initSettings(self, settings=None): """ Initialize the settings of the application on startup or on import On OSX this file is located in /Users/fvez/Library/Preferences/com.demtroys.Device Configurator.plist On Windows this file is located in """ if settings is None and self.settings is None: self.settings = QSettings('Demtroys', 'Test App') elif settings is not None: self.settings = settings try: self.blockSignals(True) # Set settings # mainWindow settings are set in initMainWindow self.blockSignals(False) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) pass def getSettings(self, settings=None): """ Get the settings of the application on shutdown or on export """ if settings is None and self.settings is None: self.settings = QSettings('Demtroys', 'Test App') elif settings is not None: self.settings = settings # mainWindow settings self.mainWindow.getSettings(self.settings) def closeEvent(self, event): """ Called when the application is closed Gets the settings Closes any open processes and the logger Close the application :param event: The close event """ # Get settings self.getSettings() super(App, self).closeEvent(event) if self.osName == 'Windows' and event.spontaneous(): app.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": arguments = list(sys.argv) production = True if len(arguments) > 1: opts, args = getopt.getopt(arguments[1:], 'd', ['debug']) for opt in opts: if opt[0] in ('-d', '--debug'): production = False app = QApplication(sys.argv) # app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = App() # apply_stylesheet(app, theme='dark_teal.xml') sys.exit(app.exec_())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from Scripts.TestApp.DataConverterWindow import DataConverterWindow from Scripts.TestApp.MenuBar import MenuBar from Scripts.TestApp.StickerPrintingWindow import StickerPrintingWindow class Ui_mainWindow(QMainWindow): """ The main window class for the application """ def __init__(self, main): super(Ui_mainWindow, self).__init__() self.main = main self.osName = self.main.osName def setupUI(self, mainWindow): """ Setup the UI for the main window :param mainWindow: The main window object """ if not mainWindow.objectName(): mainWindow.setObjectName(u'mainWindow') self.initCentral(mainWindow) self.initTabWidget() self.initAdditionalWindows() self.initMenuBar(mainWindow) self.initStatusBar(mainWindow) mainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralWidget) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(mainWindow) def initCentral(self, mainWindow): """ Init the central widget for the main window :param mainWindow: The main window object """ self.centralWidget = QWidget(mainWindow) self.centralWidget.setObjectName(u'centralWidget') self.baseGridLayout = QGridLayout(self.centralWidget) self.baseGridLayout.setObjectName(u'baseGridLayout') def initTabWidget(self): """ Init the tab widget for the main window """ self.tabWidget = QTabWidget(self.centralWidget) self.tabWidget.setObjectName(u'tabWidget') self.tabWidget.setAutoFillBackground(False) self.tabWidget.setTabPosition(QTabWidget.North) self.tabWidget.setTabShape(QTabWidget.Rounded) self.tabWidget.setMovable(False) self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) self.baseGridLayout.addWidget(self.tabWidget, 0, 0, 1, 1) def initAdditionalWindows(self): """ Init the additional windows """ self.dataConverterWindow = DataConverterWindow(self.main, self) self.stickerPrintingWindow = StickerPrintingWindow(self.main, self) def initMenuBar(self, mainWindow): """ Init the menu bar :param mainWindow: The main window object """ self.menuBar = MenuBar(main=self.main, mainWindow=self, parent=mainWindow) self.menuBar.setObjectName(u'menuBar') def initStatusBar(self, mainWindow): """ Init the status bar :param mainWindow: The main window object """ self.statusBar = QStatusBar(mainWindow) self.statusBar.setObjectName(u'statusbar') mainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusBar) def getSettings(self, settings): """ Get the settings on shutdown or on export :param settings: The settings object """ # mainWindow settings settings.beginGroup('mainWindow') settings.setValue('isMaximized', self.main.isMaximized()) settings.setValue('isFullScreen', self.main.isFullScreen()) if self.main.isMaximized() or self.main.isFullScreen(): settings.setValue('windowPosition', QPoint(self.main.normalGeometry().x(), self.main.normalGeometry().y())) settings.setValue('windowSize', self.main.normalGeometry().size()) else: settings.setValue('windowPosition', self.main.pos()) settings.setValue('windowSize', self.main.size()) settings.endGroup() # StickerPrintingWindow settings self.stickerPrintingWindow.getSettings(settings) def setSettings(self, settings): """ Set the settings on startup or on import :param settings: The settings object """ # mainWindow settings # .plist : QPoint | .ini : QPoint if settings.value('mainWindow/windowPosition') is not None: self.main.move(settings.value('mainWindow/windowPosition')) else: self.main.move(QPoint(0, 0)) # .plist : QSize | .ini : QSize if settings.value('mainWindow/windowSize') is not None: self.main.resize(settings.value('mainWindow/windowSize')) else: self.main.resize(QSize(1200, 800)) showNormalWindow = True if settings.value('mainWindow/isMaximized') is not None: if settings.value('mainWindow/isMaximized') == 'true': self.main.showMaximized() showNormalWindow = False if settings.value('mainWindow/isFullScreen') is not None: if settings.value('mainWindow/isFullScreen') == 'true': self.main.showFullScreen() showNormalWindow = False if showNormalWindow: self.main.showNormal() # StickerPrintingWindow settings self.stickerPrintingWindow.setSettings(settings)
@SGaist Sorry for the ping, have you had a chance to look at this?
Big thanks in advance,
Best regards,
FV -
No need to be sorry, it's not something forbidden.
I don't have Windows at hand so I have tested your code on macOS and PyQt6 as I could not install PyQt5. Beside some adjustment for the enum values, the filters worked properly.